Image courtesy of Simon Howden
"Then He said to His disciples, 'The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest." -- Matthew 9:37-38. Jesus, after having looked around at all the people who were broken down be it physically, spiritually, or both realizes the great need that exists. There are people screaming out that are in desperate need of help. The harvest is ready. The problem? There are not enough workers to meet all the needs that need to be met. Therefore, Jesus instructs His disciples to beseech or to petition God to send workers out into the harvest.
The harvest. I have an uncle who owns a produce distribution company. He grows his crops on my grandma's farm. Although I have never worked in the fields alongside my uncle, I understand that at harvest time you need to get on top of things so you don't lose the crop. This is a crucial element of the harvest.
The harvest. Of course here in Matthew 9:37-38, Jesus is not talking about a literal harvest but the harvest that needs to be worked in terms of saving souls that are crying out for help. Again, these people are broken down, they need help.
The harvest. So the question we need to ask is there a harvest today? You bet there is. The problem is the same though, there is not enough people to work it. There are billions of souls around the world, including in our own backyard that are crying out for help. They need healing. There might be emotional healing that is needed, maybe physical healing but most importantly there may be spiritual healing that is needed. These people are all part of the harvest that we must tend to before we lose them for eternity.
The harvest. Jesus instructs us to pray that God send workers out into the field. What is really neat about this is the fact that you and I can be the answer to our own prayer. As Christians God has given us a responsibility to go out into the harvest and meet the necessary needs with the ultimate purpose of saving souls. You may be thinking you are just one person and asking what difference you could possibly make. If this is the case, I encourage you to remember the apostle Paul who converted almost the entire Gentile world. One man made all the difference in the harvest.
The harvest. Converting whole communities starts with just reaching one. This is my encouragement to you. If you know there is someone in need of help be it emotional, physical, or spiritual, go to that person and find out what you can to do help. It might mean giving them a simple hug or helping them with something around the house. But most importantly, if the opportunity is there, do not hesitate to share with them the gospel message.
I leave you this morning with the words of Jesus "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few." Will you go out into the harvest?
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