"Now it shall come about when he sits on the throne of his kingdom, he shall write for himself a copy of this law on a scroll in the presence of the Levitical priests. It shall be with him and he shall read it all the days of his life, that he may learn to fear the Lord his God."--Deuteronomy 17:18-19. This verse is looking forward to the time when Israel would decide they would want an earthly king. When this time comes, one of the first regulations is that the king should retain a copy of God's law and read it so that he may learn to fear God. This verse is dealing with God and government.
God and government. It is definitely no secret that as we read through the Old Testament, specifically through the books of Kings and Chronicles we see that the majority of kings neglected God's law and brought problems to the nations of Israel and Judah. This reminds me of Proverbs 14:34 which states "Righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a disgrace to any people."
God and government. As Christians, this concept of problems being caused in a nation due to the neglect of God's law should not be foreign to us. Unless we have been hiding under a rock somewhere, it is clear that God's law is being neglected in our government. Attempts are being made left and right to remove any and all evidence of God from our courtrooms and our classrooms. I am not here this morning to make a political statement because the real question we need to ask ourselves as Christians is what can we do about it?
Many of us would probably be tempted to say things like go and vote for such and such a cause. This is all well and good and it is definitely wise. However, I am here to make another suggestion. As Christians, it is going to take more than just going to the voting booth to make a difference in our nation today. There is another area where Satan has made his typical back door entrance into our nation and that is in the classroom. You might be asking what the classroom has to do with this concept of God and government but please bear with me.
We all know that the classroom is the training ground for the America of tomorrow. The classroom has become a pulpit for those trying to plant seeds of doubt in our children's mind about our God. We would be naive to believe that our own children are immune to this. I recently heard a stat that said it takes 4 Christian adults to get one faithful child of God into the next generation. But again, how does this relate to the concept of God and government?
This relates to the concept of God and government because making a difference in our nation becomes a little more practical when we make that difference through our children. Parents or not, us older Christians have a responsibility towards the next generation to do everything we can to equip them so that their faith stands up to the test when our government does everything they can to remove God from national life. If you are a teacher, especially in the public school system, with wisdom you have a prime opportunity to make a difference for God's kingdom and in our nation through the pulpit that you occupy in the classroom. Of course we won't see a difference over night but if we plant the seeds and water them God will give the increase. We can start this battle small by simply sharing a Bible verse or having a Bible study with our children. My prayer is that Christians everywhere do all they can to make a difference when it comes to God and government.
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