"I will raise up a prophet from among their countrymen like you, and I will put my words in his mouth, and he shall speak to them all that I command Him."--Deuteronomy 18:19. Beginning in Deuteronomy 18:15, God through Moses introduces to the fact that a prophet like Moses would be raised up among the people. Many, this writer included, believe this is pointing forward to the time of Christ. The interesting detail about this prophet is that the prophet would only speak what God has commanded.
A prophet. One of the many facts we know about Christ is that He spoke only as the Father spoke. So what does this mean?
A prophet. A prophet is God's messenger. The beautiful thing about our relationship with God is that He has chosen to use those who decide to follow Him to bring His message to the world. However, the more we look at Scripture, the more we can see that the one condition of this is that the prophet only speaks where God speaks.
A prophet. Later in Deuteronomy 18:22, Moses tells us that if something a prophet speaks that does not come about, then that prophet has spoken "presumptuously." 2 Peter 1:21 would label these "prophets" as false prophets. So what can we learn from this as members of the Lord's church today?
A prophet. Well I am not going to go so far as to call ourselves prophets as the term carries a lot of weight with it. However, that does not change the fact that as Christians we are God's messengers. But like the prophet of Deuteronomy, we too must only speak what God has commanded. What this means is we can only speak what we know for a fact what God has spoken. So what has God spoken? The only way to know is if we look to His inspired Word. Fact is we are treading on dangerous ground if we step outside the bounds of the Bible and more specifically if we step outside the bounds of the New Testament.
A prophet. Again, we must understand that a prophet speaks only as God speaks. God has spoken through Christ, the apostles, and the prophets all of whose words have been recorded for us in the pages of Scripture. This is where we as Christians ought to speak and being ever careful not to step outside of the bounds of what has been spoken by God.
A prophet. This blog is a little more doctrinal in nature than practical so my encouragement to you is simply this. Spend more time in God's Word everyday, take whatever it is you believe and as you study adapt what you believe to the Scriptures, do not try to adapt the Scriptures to what you believe as doing this is treading on dangerous ground.
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