"It is enough for the disciple that he become like his teacher, and the slave like his master. If they have called the head of the house Beelzebul, how much more will they malign the members of his household." -- Matthew 10:25. Jesus, continuing His teachings on discipleship. He simply states here that it is enough for the disciple to become like his teacher. The point is we are going to be like the master whom we serve. We are going to be like our teacher.
It is enough. Many people in today's society have role models or mentors or something of that nature. These people give us guidance and wisdom so that we can go a particular direction with our lives and they are meant to help us succeed in whatever field we are working in be it in school or in any given job or in just life in general. We all have role models or mentors to some extent whether its parents or other family, employers, church members, preachers, or teachers. Those being mentored more often than not strive to become like these mentors. Well, while Jesus is much more than a mentor, He is God and Lord (John 1:1, 14) but Scripture also calls Him teacher. Being that Jesus is our Teacher, it is enough for us to be like Him.
It is enough. Many times I will hear people say they want to be like such and such a preacher or teacher for whatever reason. First and foremost, I am not suggesting there is anything inherently wrong with this. But ultimately, we need to remind ourselves that it is enough to be like Jesus and Jesus only for He is our Teacher and we are His disciples. As disciples of Christ, based on the definition of the word (BDAG 609), we ultimately ought to be learning from Christ and that is enough.
It is enough. To elaborate a little bit more on my point learning from Christ means that we must look through the gospel accounts and study what Jesus has taught. In addition to that though, we know that Christ taught additionally through the apostles as we leave the gospel accounts and begin reading Acts through Revelation. When we learn from Christ, we will become more like Christ and according to this verse it is enough for us as disciples to become like our Teacher.
So what does this mean to us today? Well we should take time to look at our lives and ask ourselves who do we look like? Do we look like Christ or do we look like someone else when it comes to our behavior, our lifestyle and even the things we say? While we have our role models and mentors, we must realize that our ultimate example of who we should be is found only in Christ, our Teacher. My encouragement to you this morning is to continue to learn from Him by taking time to study through the gospel accounts and focus on the way Jesus lived His daily life and what He taught. When you do so, strive to emulate that in your own life and it will make a world of difference and it can make a difference in your life and in the lives of others. Ultimately, it will help bring more souls to an obedience of the gospel and help more people get to heaven. Being like our Teacher is enough but this again begs the question, who is our teacher? Christ or someone else e.g. Beelzebul as mentioned here in Matthew. In closing, I leave you with the words of Christ our God and our Lord, "It is enough for the disciple that he become like his teacher..."
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