"This is the one about whom it is written, 'Behold I send my messenger ahead of You, who will prepare Your way before you." -- Matthew 11:10. Here Jesus is discussing the fact that John the Baptist is the one about whom it is prophesied. He would be the one who would point the way to Jesus.
Point the way. As I have already mentioned this verse is talking specifically about John the Baptist. However, this morning I would like us to consider something more about this verse aside from what it is telling us about John pointing the way.
Point the way. Another aspect about John the Baptist pointing the way to Jesus is found in John 3:30 where John the Baptist says "He must increase but I must decrease." These are the two aspects of John the Baptist we will explore this morning and how it applies to us.
Point the way. First, we know that John the Baptist came to point the way to Jesus. Something we should ask ourselves is are we pointing the way to Jesus? What if your name was written down somewhere? Would it be said of us 'This person pointed the way to Jesus?' Would we be known as a generation who pointed the way to Jesus when we lived in a world that was so lost and confused in the direction it was headed? But the question is how do we point the way to Jesus? This brings us to our second aspect of John the Baptist.
Point the way. In order to point the way to Jesus John the Baptist acknowledged that He had to decrease so that Christ could increase. We too must do the same. In order for Christ to increase, we must decrease. This might mean making some adjustments to our lifestyle. It might mean having to give up some of your time to help someone else. It may even mean asking that person you want to see saved for a Bible study so you can share the gospel message with them. We must point the way to Jesus.
Point the way. This morning is simple and brief. My encouragement to you is simply do whatever is necessary so that you are pointing the way to Jesus. Show people the way to salvation. Decrease so that Christ may increase.
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