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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Don't Worry...

Image courtesy of Africa

"So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself.  Each day has enough trouble of its own."--Matthew 6:34.  Jesus, building on His teachings about storing up treasures on earth versus storing up treasures in heaven.  The context of today's blog is Matthew 6:25-34.  I encourage you to go back and read the full passage.  Verse 34 is the final verse of this chapter and Jesus closes this teaching off by essentially saying don't worry.

Don't worry.  This concept of worry should be no foreign concept to any of us.  All of us worry about something or maybe even several things.  Some of us worry about money, job security, test grades, our health, our family, our animals, and the list goes on and on.  Because we worry, we need to be reminded of what Jesus tells us here in Matthew 6:25-34.

Don't worry.  What are you worried about right now?  In Matthew 6:25 Jesus says first of all to not be worried about our life as to what we will eat or drink.  We today should be thankful that God has provided even the poorest of people a way to eat and drink here in the United States through different government and even religious food programs.  Even where I attend church services, the Bear Valley church of Christ has a pantry for those who need food that can't afford to buy their own.  So as far as food, those of us living in the United States do not have to worry and bottom line is Jesus tells us not to worry.

Don't worry.  The second thing Jesus tells us not to worry about is our body and what we will put on.  God has also provided this basic need for every human being.  Granted it may not all be name brand but God will always provide our basic need to be clothed.  Reality is who are we to be picky when it is only God who provides the means for us to be clothed?  Especially here in the United States, there is someone who would love to have that old T-shirt you think is ugly simply because they don't have a T-shirt to wear.  Sobering thought to say the least but the bottom line is God provides our clothing so don't worry.

Don't worry.  In verse 26, Jesus points to the example of the birds.  It is amazing to look at birds and how they are taken care of.  For example, the apartment I live in sits in front of a pond.  In this pond, there is a small group of ducks.  They are there every day and they seem to always be taken care of.  Occasionally some of the residents of my complex will take time to feed them but even without that God seems to take care of those ducks day in and day out.  We must never forget that unlike the ducks, you and I are made in God's image.  Some have said that mankind is the pinnacle of God's creation.  If God makes us in His image and as a result loves us in the highest of ways (See John 3:16), who are we to suggest that God won't take care of us? Granted that care may not come immediately and we may have to wait a little bit for it but that does not mean that God will not meet the most basic of our needs such as food and clothing.  So why shouldn't we worry?

Don't worry.  In verses 27-32 Jesus tells us why we shouldn't worry.  In verse 27, Jesus makes the point that worrying does not add a single hour to our lives.  Fact is worrying does not make any given situation better.  If anything, worrying makes it worse.  In verses 28-31, Jesus points to the lilies and grass of the field.  When is the last time you took a look at the beauty of nature itself?  I am fortunate to live among the Rocky Mountains and it still gets me every time at how beautiful Colorado is with all its wonderful mountain views along with the sunsets and sunrises.  Jesus says that if God took care of nature in such a great way, why would He not do the same for us?  Jesus is just drilling the point and saying don't worry!

Don't worry.  So if we are not to worry, what should we do?  Verse 33 is clear.  Verse 33 is contrasted with verse 32.  Verse 32 states that the Gentiles (meaning the pagan world) seeks after all these earthly material things.  However, in verse 33, we see that the follower of God must seek FIRST His kingdom and His righteousness and all these other things will be added to him.  Matthew 5-7 is all about righteousness and what Jesus is doing here is contrasting man's righteousness versus God's righteousness.  Here in verse 33, we find that we must first allow God to rule in our lives and let Him make us righteous before we even think about going after the other things we want and need.  If we let God rule our DAILY lives day in and day out, there is most definitely no need to worry because we know that no matter what happens, good or bad (and the bad will occasionally happen), He will take care of us even when things seem to be at their worst.

Don't worry.  Finally in verse 34, Jesus says to not worry about tomorrow.  We need to take life one day at a time and let tomorrow take care of itself.  All we have is today.  Do what you can today and let God take care of tomorrow.  So my encouragement to you is this.  I am willing to bet there is something or maybe even someone you are worried about.  Something that could help you overcome this worry is talking to someone about it and getting your worries out of your system.  Of course, prayer is crucial when you are worried about something so if you don't talk to anyone else, by all means talk to God.  He knows what you are going through and wants to help you.  Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you.

This morning I leave you simply with the words of Jesus; "So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself.  Each day has enough trouble of its own."


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