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Thursday, November 10, 2011

God's Call...

"Then the Lord said to Moses, "Behold, the time for you to die is near, call Joshua and present yourselves at the tent of meeting, that I may commission Him."--Deuteronomy 31:14.  As we approach the end of the Pentateuch (First five books of the Bible), we see God's plan unfolding for God's people.  The people will soon be entering the Promised Land.  Their current leader Moses is about to die so someone else, namely Joshua, must lead the people into the Promised Land.  God's call has gone out to Joshua.

God's call.  One of my instructors at the Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver, Bob Turner and so many others such as myself will attest to the fact that there is an urgent need for leaders among the Lord's people.  Bob writes an excellent blog on Leadership called The Leadership Fund.  I would encourage you to check it out.  The point though is that God's call for leaders has gone out so the question we need to ask ourselves, will we be like Joshua who responded to God's call and presented himself before the Lord for service?

God's call.  The last word of the paragraph above was service.  This is where godly leadership truly begins.  It begins with service.  First and foremost, it begins with service to God and then service to others.  Some of the best leaders have been servants.  There was one leader who set the supreme example of servant leadership.  What was His name?  Oh that's right, His name was Jesus!  Jesus Himself stated in Matthew 20:28 that the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve.  Jesus responded to God's call and led through service.  But like Moses, Jesus would also die (and most importantly Jesus would be resurrected three days later) and replacements would be needed to carry out Jesus' primary mission which was and is to seek and to save the lost (Luke 19:10).  Enter the twelve apostles who would also train others to be their replacements upon their deaths.  It is just a continuing cycle throughout the pages of Scripture.  So what does this all mean to us?

God's call.  The fact is our present leaders will one day be gone.  Even though that will happen in the future, God's call for the leaders of tomorrow is going out TODAY.  Again, the question we need to ask ourselves will we be like Joshua and respond to that call and present ourselves for service both to God and to others?  How will we respond to God's call?

God's call.  So how can we respond to God's call?  How can we practically present ourselves before the Lord for service?  There are several ways we can do this.  Something we could do is volunteer in a particular ministry with your congregation or even better start a ministry with your congregation.  You can also find a particular leader in your congregation and begin some sort of mentorship under him.  Do you feel called to preach and/or teach? DO IT! We are in dire need of men who are willing to preach God's word in a sound way.  Not sure if you are equipped?  Consider looking into attending the Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver whose motto is "We Train Preachers."  This is an excellent school that will provide you with tools to preach God's Word.  Bottom line is God's call for the leaders of tomorrow is going out TODAY. How will you respond?


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