Image courtesy of Rosemary Ratcliff
"Give us this day our daily bread."--Matthew 6:11. The third part of the Lord's prayer that addresses our needs. Something we NEED to be reminded of is the fact that God does care about the things we need. Chances are if you are reading this blog, that in itself is evidence that God has already proven that He cares about your needs. More about this in just a moment. The point of this part of this prayer is in order to put our trust in God to supply our needs. It is putting our trust in God to give us this day our daily bread.
Our daily bread. I have yet to meet a person who does not like bread. Granted, some people like only specific types of bread but as far as bread itself goes, I have yet to meet a person who does not like bread. Even with people whose diet or some medical condition will not allow them to eat bread, they are so disappointed that their access to bread is limited if not eliminated altogether. This just shows that even the people who for whatever reason can't eat bread still desire it.
Our daily bread. Now of course this verse is not talking exclusively about bread. Again the point of this verse is to put our trust in God to supply our needs which include our daily sustenance of foods such as bread. Bread of course was a very common part of meals during the time of Jesus. The same is true today. As a matter of fact I am having company over Friday and part of the meal is garlic bread!
Our daily bread. As for myself, I am thankful to say that I have never had to worry about where my next meal or where my daily bread was going to come from. I constantly need to remind myself that this is not the case for a lot of people. Here in the wonderful city of Denver, I don't know how many times I have passed someone on the street asking for food. Point is we should not only be relying on God for our daily sustenance of food but even in our abundance of food, we need to constantly be thankful that we have the access to food that we do.
Our daily bread. One final point, In John 6:35, Jesus says He is the bread of life and the one who comes to Him will never hunger. In regards to our daily bread, we must not only consider if we are getting enough physical food on a daily basis but are we getting enough of the Bread of Life (Jesus) on a daily basis? This was part of the reason I started this blog was to help both myself and others get some more of the Bread of Life. The beautiful thing is that the supply of "bread" that Jesus has never runs out or gets moldy like physical bread does. If we want access to the Bread of Life, it begins with obedience to the gospel. But if you are a Christian and want some more of the Bread of Life, you can read Neal Pollard's blog which is known as The Daily Bread.
With all this being said, my encouragement to you is this. Given that God will supply our needs, more often than not God uses you and I to supply those needs. Be God's tool and if there is someway you can help physically feed a hungry soul, do not pass up the opportunity. Remember the words of Jesus in Matthew 25:42-45 "For I was hungry and you gave Me nothing to eat...Then He will answer them. 'Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did not do it for one of the least of these, you did not do it for Me." Furthermore, if you know there is someone that still needs the Bread of Life, do what you can to share Christ with that person through something such as a Bible study or even sharing this blog with them. Finally and simply remember to pray before every meal and thank God for your daily bread. My prayer is that part of our prayers will always be "Give us this day our daily bread."
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