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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Two ways...

"Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it.  For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life; and there are few who find it."--Matthew 7:13-14.  Jesus describing the fact that there are only two paths in life.  One leads to destruction and the other leads to life.  There is only two ways.

Two ways.  Last week I was in Oklahoma spending Thanksgiving with my girlfriend and her family.  During my stay, one thing she mentioned to me was that there were several ways to get back to her house given that there are a series of roads that can be taken that can get you back to the same location.  This may also be true in your town.  You may know a variety of ways to get to the same place such as your house or some other location in your city or town. While there may be many ways in our cities or towns to get to the same place, with eternity, there is only two ways and only one leads to eternal life.

Two ways.  In John 14:6, Jesus tells us He is THE WAY, the truth, and the life (Emphasis added).  The fact that Jesus is THE WAY will serve as our foundation this morning.  Returning to Matthew 7:13-14, Jesus tells us that the way is narrow that leads to life and furthermore there are few who find it.  Every time I hear this verse I think of the times I have hiked narrow trails up in the beautiful Colorado Rocky Mountains.  If one is not careful, it is easy to slip off these trails.  There are at least a couple of reasons the way Jesus calls us to, the way to eternal life, is narrow.  First, it is narrow because like some of the trails I have hiked, we must be extremely careful not to stray and fall off the path.  Second, because it is narrow, as Jesus said, few will find it and in turn walk it.  Fact is because the path is narrow, it is not the easiest way to walk.  But what about the broad path that leads to destruction?  The second of the two ways.

Two ways.  For me, when I am driving, there is nothing I like more than a wide open road especially when it's a back road such as some of the ones I got to drive with my girlfriend while I was in Oklahoma.  There is just something about a wide open road that gives me a sense of freedom from the world.  I must admit driving those roads in Oklahoma with my girlfriend at my side was pure bliss.  But while I think the open back roads of Oklahoma are pretty awesome, the fact is the way that leads to eternal destruction also holds this same appeal for the majority of people in the world.  My question is why?  Well having traveled that road at one point in my life, I can tell you why.  This way holds appeal because for the present, it promises a good time and a certain amount of pleasure.  I am not by any means proud of some of the things I did while traveling that way but I have to admit that at the time I had a lot of fun and had some pleasurable experiences.  This is why the way that leads to destruction is appealing to many.  It promises a good time and for the most part it is an easy road to travel because it does not hold one accountable as the way Jesus calls us does.  We only have two choices.  There are only two ways.

Two ways.  While the narrow way is not always easy and not always necessarily fun, the benefits of walking it are more than worth the difficulties you might encounter along the way.  Walking the way Jesus calls us to makes us into better and stronger people, it creates better relationships and of course it ultimately leads to eternal life.  Personally, when I look at people traveling the broad path, I find myself asking what I was thinking traveling that path.  Because I know what it can lead to, I find myself desiring to bring others over to the narrow path by sharing with them the gospel message of Christ.  So my question to you this morning is what path are you on?  Maybe you are on the broad path and have gotten tired of walking it and want to give your life over to Christ through obedience to the gospel.  Click on the highlighted link to see what that means.  Maybe you have obeyed but have slipped off the narrow way and are wandering.  Getting back on the narrow way is just one decision away.  Maybe you need to repent of a sin in order to get back on the path.  Do not delay, the way that leads to life is just one decision away.

Finally, we live in a society that claims there are many ways to God but may we never forget the words of Jesus in John 14:6 "I am THE WAY, the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me." (Emphasis added).  Jesus is the only way that leads to life.  This may sound exclusive to some but the fact is all are welcome to walk this way regardless of race, color, or background.  The gospel message is for all.  What way will you choose?  When contemplating your decision, remember Matthew 7:13-14..."Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it.  For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it."  The choice is yours.


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