"Now for this reason also, applying all diligence, in your faith supply moral excellence, and in your moral excellence, knowledge, and in your knowledge, self-control..."--2 Peter 1:5-6. In this list given here, we find the third ingredient of a proper faith in Christ, the ever important SELF-CONTROL.
Self-control. Self-control is also mentioned in Galatians 5:22 as one of the fruits of the Spirit. The definition of the word in the original Greek, the language the New Testament was written in, means to have power over all things.
Self-control. With the definition in mind, having power over all things we need to ask ourselves, why is self-control such an important ingredient to a proper faith in Christ?
Self-control. When I think of self-control, I almost automatically think of being able to resist temptation to sin. But this passage is not talking about self-control in relation to sin but in relation to our faith.
Self-control. Since self-control must be added to knowledge and moral excellence. No doubt this partially involves having self-control over sin but it also involves self-control over the knowledge we gain.
Self-control. Wisdom is knowing how to apply knowledge. I think self-control involves knowing WHEN to apply that knowledge. At the writing of this devo, I was speaking to a brother in Christ and among the things said is sometimes we need to address specific needs.
Self-control. The point is there will be times we know we need to apply knowledge to a situation but sometimes we need to step back and ask whether or not we should because our knowledge might not fit the need and people could be turned off from ever listening to us. Thanks for your thoughts Chris!
Self-control. I am guilty of hammering what I think I know and it has been on those occasions when I realized I probably should have held my tongue because at times it has cost me the relationship.
Self-control. Finally, before we look at ourselves, let's look at Christ. Christ was at times blunt and forthright with His knowledge and at other times He was gentle with it. Peter tells us in his first letter in 1 Peter 3:15 to tell people of the reason for our hope with gentleness and reverence (respect).
Self-control. Self-control involves being like Christ, knowing when to be blunt and forthright and at other times knowing when to be gentle and respectful with the knowledge we have.
Self-control. I don't know where you are with your walk with God. Maybe all you know right now is baptism and some basics about the the Lord's Church. Or maybe you know more of the "meat" of the Scriptures and some of the deeper truths of His Word.
Self-control. To close out, my encouragement to you is this. When you are faced with a situation where you can apply the knowledge you have, think of 2 aspects. First, think of how best to apply that knowledge and also step back and see if it is appropriate to apply that knowledge at that time. Self-control means we have power over ALL things including our knowledge. Knowledge is power. Use it wisely by exercising self-control.
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