Warren Wilcox (1936-2008)
**Image courtesy of Uplift Winter 2008 edition**
**Image courtesy of Uplift Winter 2008 edition**
"Moses was eighty years old and Aaron eighty-three, when they spoke to Pharaoh."--Exodus 7:7. This verse is pretty straight forward. No deep theological truth found in this verse. This verse is simply how old Moses and Aaron were when they went before Pharaoh to carry out God's command to bring the Israelites out of Egypt. We know per 2 Timothy 3:16 that all Scripture is inspired by God and useful for teaching, reproof, correction and training in righteousness. So what can we take from this verse in Exodus 7:7? Well one thing is for sure, we can gather from this verse that to do God's work, you are never too old.
Never too old. While it is a known fact that in biblical times, people lived a lot longer than they do today but it was after the flood from Genesis 6, that lifespans were drastically cut short. Deuteronomy 34:7 tells us Moses was 120 years old when he died but Deuteronomy 34:7 tells us that "his eye was not dim, nor his vigor abated."
Never too old. What we have to realize about Moses is that even through all the ups and downs and the occasional mistakes, some of which we have looked at already, Moses kept on doing God's will until his dying day.
Never too old. As I was thinking about this, my train of thought led me to think of one of the greatest modern day examples of someone doing God's will until their dying day, and that is the man pictured above, Warren Wilcox. For those that might not know who he was, he was an instructor here at the Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver for 41 of the 45 years the school has been around.
Never too old. Unfortunately, I never had the privilege of meeting Warren let alone sit in one of his classes for myself. All I can say is what I have heard and read about this great man who even despite his health conditions, managed to make it to his classes to aid in the training of future gospel preachers such as himself.
Never too old. He taught several classes but among them was Christian Evidences. As it was stated in the Winter 2008 Edition of Uplift, the BVBID newsletter, while Warren taught Christian Evidences, Warren was "The Evidence of a Christian." In this particular article, among the things stated about Warren was that Warren's Christianity was seen in: His love for God's Word, his love for the lost, his love for for worship, his giving nature, and his love for the church. Also contained in this article were several memories of Warren including the amount of time he devoted to doing God's will and training future gospel preachers.
Never too old. What can we learn from Moses in Exodus 7:7? What can we learn from Warren Wilcox? As we read through the Pentateuch (first five books of the Bible), there is a lot we can learn from Moses. The more that I hear about Warren Wilcox, there is a lot we can all learn from Warren. But one lesson is clear from both these men's lives, WE ARE NEVER TOO OLD TO DO GOD'S WILL!
No practical application here except to keep on keeping on in the Lord's work. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! PRAY ABOUT IT! LOVE Y'ALL! GOD BLESS!
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