"For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks at his natural face in a mirror; for once he has looked at himself and gone away, he has immediately forgotten what kind of person he was."--James 1:23-24. James, comparing one who hears the word and does not do it to one forgetting what he looks like after looking in the mirror.
The mirror. When is the last time you looked in the mirror? This morning maybe as you were getting ready to start your day? Maybe tonight you will look in a mirror as you are getting ready for bed? A mirror provides a perfect reflection of what we look like. Said reflection can also remind us of what we need to improve about our appearance before we go out into the world.
The mirror. So again I ask when is the last time you looked in the mirror? This may seem redundant for me to ask twice but seriously, when was the last time you looked in the mirror? I don't mean a physical mirror like the one pictured above. I mean the mirror of God's Word. I don't think any true Christian can deny that when we look in God's Word, it almost never fails, we find something else we need to improve about ourselves and our walk with God. Among other things, God's Word is a mirror, it is the mirror that we all need to look into.
The mirror. Again I ask when is the last time you looked in the mirror? Following that up, what did you see last time you looked in the mirror? Was what you saw a reflection of who you are? Or was what you saw an image of what you should be but your not?
The mirror. I ask all these questions because the mirror helps us see what we need to fix or change about ourselves and what we need to do to be in a right relationship with the Lord and also with our brethren in Christ. It is tragic that in today's world, there are those whose lack of self esteem prevents them from seeing anything good about themselves when they look into a physical mirror. Even more tragically we have those that are so discouraged that every time they look into God's mirror, His Word, and feel they can never quite measure up to God's standards and forget all about His grace for when we do fall short. '
The mirror. So my encouragement to you is this. Take some time to write down areas in your walk with Christ and look into the mirror of God's Word and find out what you need to do to improve in those areas so that next time you look into the mirror, it is not a reflection of what you should be but a reflection of who you are.
The mirror. Finally, when you look into the mirror, do you see a saved soul or an unsaved soul? If you see an unsaved soul, click the "Are You Sure of Your Eternal Salvation?" link to learn more about what we must do to be saved or shoot me an email at davidmalleyg@gmail.com for more information on the subject.
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