"...a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God."--1 Peter 3:4
"Your adornment must not be merely external--braiding the hair, and wearing gold jewelry or putting on dresses; but let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God."--1 Peter 3:3-4. I was going to touch on a different part of 1 Peter tonight but as I was going to the passage I originally intended to touch on, I came across this one and I felt more inclined to write my devo and dedicate it to Christian women all across the Lord's Church. Guys, no worries there will be application for us in here too but bear with me. This passage says a gentle and quiet spirit is precious in the sight of God.
Precious. In context, this passage is speaking specifically to wives but younger unmarried women are to learn from those that are married so this passage can be a lesson for the single ladies for when you girls do get married.
Precious. I think it is really cool, for the lack of a better term, how the Scriptures define what a Christian woman should be and how she should take more pride in who she is rather than what she looks like. It saddens me that many of our young Christian women have allowed culture to define who they should be and as a result, a lot of what they wear is less than modest. But I am not here to get on that soapbox.
Precious. Ladies, especially wives take a look at this passage here in 1 Peter. Notice that a gentle and quiet spirit is not only a precious quality but it is an imperishable quality. This quality is something that will never steer you wrong.
Precious. But why is this so precious? Well when something is precious, that means it is of the highest value. Sometimes it is something that is rarely found such as a precious jewel like the ones pictured above.
Precious. A gentle and quiet spirit is something that is indeed rarely found in the Lord's Church. I can only think of a handful of Christian wives that have exemplified this. Please don't misunderstand, this is not to put anyone down as none of us is perfect and this quality requires work to maintain even with those that I have in mind.
Precious. Ladies, I encourage you to keep this passage in mind. Your true beauty is found within. Remember that a gentle and quiet spirit is an imperishable, never ending quality that all Christian women should strive to have. You single ladies, I encourage you to seek out an older married Christian woman who exemplifies these qualities and look to her example. If you are a teenage girl (yep this applies to you too :-) ), this woman might be your own mother. I pray that's the case. If not, young girls seek that woman out who exemplifies this quality and again, look to her example.
Precious. Finally, guys, I told you there would be an application for us here as well. So here it is as promised :-). Fellas, if you are married, encourage this imperishable quality in your wife and remind her that while she is beautiful on the outside (trust me she will appreciate this), her true beauty also comes from within. For us single guys, these are the kind of women we need to keep our eyes open for.
Precious. As for me, well having been single for so long has allowed me to look to the Scriptures to get a better idea of what I want in a wife when the time comes for me to get married. And this quality found in 1 Peter 3:3-4 is something I am looking for. And guys, single guys I mean, don't let her go if/when God brings her your way.
Sorry this went a little long but the principle found in this passage was something that is close to my heart.
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