"Therefore we also have as our ambition, whether at home or absent, to be pleasing to Him."--2 Corinthians 5:9. Paul, in his second letter to the church at Corinth. He says the Christian's ambition is to be pleasing to God. Why? Because we all must appear before the judgment seat of Christ. When Paul says at home or absent, he means at home with the Lord or absent from our heavenly home, our ambition needs to be to please Him so that we might enter into the eternal house.
Ambition. I hear the term ambition and I think of someone working towards a goal and being driven and determined enough to meet that goal. I usually hear this term associated with people wanting to make it in the corporate world.
Ambition. Reflecting on this I rarely hear the term ambition used among the Lord's people. The majority of us want to please the Lord no doubt. However, while there is desire, there is no ambition. The Oxford Dictionary defines the word ambition as a strong desire to do or achieve something. More importantly, the Greek word defines it as aspire. Ambition is clearly stronger than desire.
So how do we make it our AMBITION, not just our desire to be pleasing to God? Well, one idea is to get involved in a ministry with your congregation. Or even take on a particular ministry with the ultimate goal of saving souls. We must also DAILY search out God's Word and be on the look out for new ways to please Him in our EVERY DAY lives. You can start by clicking here for some study material.
What is lacking in the church today is not desire but AMBITION to please God. Remember to have AMBITION is to aspire not to an earthly goal but to an eternal heavenly goal. We can no longer afford to just sit in the pews 2 or 3 times a week and call that pleasing God. Ambition to please God is making an active effort not just Sunday but Monday through Saturday to please God in our DAILY lives.
Do you have ambition or just desire? DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! PRAY ABOUT IT! LOVE Y'ALL! GOD BLESS!
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