"And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose."--Romans 8:28. This verse has gotten me through some of the toughest times in my life. It got me through the some of the worst of days during my dad's sickness. It got me through the hours and the days following his death. I say that like it's past tense. This verse, among others, is still getting me through the pain of having lost my dad. But no matter what life throws our way, good or bad, this verse tells you and tells me that ALL THINGS work together for good to those who love God.
Everything. Funny story. Just prior to writing this devo I actually had a Bible Study with a new sister in Christ regarding this verse. Thanks again Kelsey!!! :-). Honestly, this is not the reason I chose this passage for tonight's devo. It just happened to be one of the surrounding verses of the passage I would have chosen. But I thought I would share with you and expound upon what I shared with our new sister Kelsey, whose story you can read here in one of my previous devo's titled "Be Strong". It is also the story of her younger sister.
Everything. Returning to the passage in Romans 8:28. This passage says ALL THINGS work together for good. But there are two stipulations. All things work together for good to: 1) Those who love God and 2) are called according to His purpose. If all things are to work together for our good as Christians, we must love God and be called according to His purpose. Loving God is obeying His commands. Being called does not mean God selected us beforehand as says the false doctrine of predestination which is another discussion. God called as many as would respond to the gospel. It's OUR CHOICE.
Everything. So we are down to this phrase ALL THINGS. ALL THINGS means EVERYTHING! EVERYTHING works together for our good, whether it is good or bad. How has this passage applied to me. Well to be quite honest, the pain I went through during my dad's sickness and the pain I am still coping with after his death has allowed me to connect with people who are hurting in a way I don't think I ever could have had this not happened to me. The pain I carry has strengthened my relationship with the Lord and with people because God softened my heart. He did this in a way I honestly would rather not have dealt with but I am glad it happened because ALL THINGS, EVERYTHING was for my good and so that I could use those things for the good of others, especially those closest to me such as Kelsey and her wonderful family who have had their share of trials.
Everything. So where does this leave you? First of all. What I went through I would not wish upon my worst enemy. The 4 years leading up to my dad's death were some of the most trying years of my life and that of my family's. While I am thankful for what it did for my faith, I don't want you or anyone to ever go through what my family went through. I don't know if it's a pride issue, or an issue of stepping out of your comfort zone but my encouragement to you tonight is this. Take some time to reach out to someone that you know that is hurting and help them see the light of Christ, near, far or anywhere in between. Pick up that phone, make that call, send that text message or email, go to your neighbor's house who you know is hurting and let them know you are praying for them and show him/her that you care. I guarantee you, no matter how small it might seem, it will make a BIG difference.
And may we always remember ALL THINGS, EVERYTHING works together for good to those who love Him, to those who are called according to His purpose. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! PRAY ABOUT IT! LOVE Y'ALL! GOD BLESS!
Great post, David! I appreciate all of the time you take to do these devotionals and for being a great brother to your new sisters :)