"...Tend My Sheep"--John 21:17
"...Tend My Sheep"--John 21:17. This was the statement Jesus made to Peter after having asked him three times if Peter loved Him. Of course, as discussed in a devo earlier this month, "Do you love Jesus?" (Click title to read), the third time Jesus asked, He was referring to the kind of love between friends (phileo). The first two times Jesus asked Peter if he loved Jesus with the sacrificial kind of love (agape) that God has for us. Problem was Peter responded all three times with phileo. But Jesus still tells Peter to tend His Sheep.
Tend His Sheep. What does this mean to us? To tend in this case means to feed His sheep. Other translations of the Bible say feed my sheep in the same verse. This is part of tending His sheep, feeding them. Part of living our lives for Christ means making the choice to find ways to tend His sheep. I love the illustration of sheep as it is used in the Bible. I believe this illustration was used for at least two reasons. First, the original audience was a society very familiar with shepherds and sheep. King David himself was a shepherd in his youth. The second reason is that sheep are among the most vulnerable to attack of God's creation. This is another reason we must tend His sheep.
Tend His sheep. Because sheep are so vulnerable to attack, they need constant protection. God's sheep (Christians) also need constant protection because even as Christians we are still vulnerable to Satan's attacks. Those of us who are stronger in the faith have a responsibility, nay, an obligation to tend God's sheep by providing them the NECESSARY protection from Satan's attacks. A good description of it can be found in Ephesians 6:10-18.
So how can we tend His sheep in a practical way? I encourage you to find someone, one person this week that is young in their faith and find ways that you can tend to their spiritual needs whether it's through Bible study or something as simple as praying with them. I leave you with the same question that Jesus asked Peter, do you love (agape) Jesus? TEND HIS SHEEP! PRAY ABOUT IT! LOVE Y'ALL! GOD BLESS!
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