Jesus answered, "I told you that I am He; so if you seek Me, let these go their way."--John 18:8. Jesus makes this statement when He is before Judas, His betrayer and those who would arrest Him. He made this statement to fulfill that which He stated in His earlier prayer in the garden found in John 17:1-26 that He had not lost a single one of those God had given to Him. This scene is a small picture of the great sacrifice Christ would make on the cross.
Jesus is our faithful guardian. He does not allow a single one of his sheep to perish. John 10 tells us Jesus is the Good Shepherd. Jesus gave His life for the sheep.
Jesus never fails us. People, at one point or another are going to let us down. Jesus will never fail to protect us. The Scriptures tell us that NOTHING can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus. If we are to receive this unfailing love we must be in Christ Jesus.
Jesus does not allow one to be lost. If we follow Christ as faithfully as Peter, Paul and the other apostles did, Christ will not allow us to be lost. The words that Jesus spoke in His prayer were true then and they are true now and will always remain true.
So the choice is yours. Will we submit ourselves to the guardianship of Jesus or will we be like Judas and sacrifice that eternal guardianship to do what we think is right? Submitting to Jesus' guardianship starts with a first step towards being in Christ. Or maybe you have already taken those steps and have ventured away from the fold. The time is here, the time is now for us to resubmit to Jesus' guardianship. PRAY ABOUT IT! DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! LOVE Y'ALL! GOD BLESS! Feel free to comment and/or check out the incorporated links.
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