"You too, be ready; for the Son of Man is coming at an hour that you do not expect."--Luke 12:40. This is a key thought in Jesus' ministry. That we ought to be ready because He will come when He is least expected. Among the instructions for preparation Jesus gives us is to keep our lamps lit, we need to be ready to open the door when He comes, we need to be on the alert. We need to be properly prepared and ready to serve. We need to be properly prepared.
Proper preparation. Sometimes life throws us some unexpected curveballs. We need to be ready to swing. Ever since 2006, my life has gone anything but as expected. In short, my dad got sick, I took on College/Young Adult Ministry, I wound up with a new job that ended up going through some changes that eventually caused me to resign my position, I finished college after having twice changed my major, I wound up here at the Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver, my dad passed away, I had to put my cat down and now I am on the road to doing the Lord's work full time through all those ups and downs. Out of the list I just gave, the only thing I was really unprepared for was my dad getting sick. Through those initial stages of his sickness I learned the importance of preparation. I learned a lot of lessons but among them, I learned that I needed to be ready at the drop of a hat to serve my family when I was needed.
Proper Preparation. We must always be ready because the unexpected will always happen. But the most important event we must ALWAYS be prepared for is the coming of Christ. As Christians, we are expecting His return but how many of us are truly ready? How many of us are properly prepared?
Being properly prepared starts by being in Christ. When we have been born into Christ, we must then continually search the scriptures. Why? Because 2 Timothy 3:16-17 will tell us that ALL Scripture is inspired of God and profitable so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.
So my question for you tonight is simply this. Are you properly prepared? PRAY ABOUT IT! DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! LOVE Y'ALL! GOD BLESS!
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