"Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. For by it the men of old gained approval."--Hebrews 11:1-2. This is one of the most famous chapters of Hebrews. It has been called the Hall of Faith, the great faith chapter and others. This chapter, by looking into the past shows us the difference faith can make and how faith is always, I mean always followed by an act of obedience. This chapter is one we can turn to if we seek to find the definition of faith.
The definition of faith. By faith Abel offered the better sacrifice to God (Hebrews 11:4). Notice Abel offered. He believed God and obeyed what God required of him.
The definition of faith. Hebrews 11:6 will tell us that without faith, it is impossible to please God. You might get caught up in the works but if you lose sight of your faith and forget about what God has promised by you doing those works, then you are not pleasing God.
The definition of faith. By faith Noah prepared the ark after being warned of the things to come (Hebrews 11:7). Noah was told what to expect and because he believed God, he immediately acted and prepared the ark so that he and his family would be saved.
The definition of faith. By faith Abraham obeyed and set out towards the place that God would show him without knowing where he was going (Hebrews 11:8). Abraham believed God enough to follow His will no matter where it would take him. Abraham obeyed trusting fully that God would deliver on His promises.
The definition of faith. Finally, by faith Moses stood by God's people to endure what the text calls ill treatment than to enjoy the sinful pleasures offered by Egypt. By faith he obeyed what God required so the angel of death would pass over each household that had the lamb's blood on the door post.
The definition of faith. So how is faith defined in your life? Something we must understand from the Scriptures is that contrary to what is taught many churches today, faith alone does not save you. Every instance of faith in the Bible, especially in Hebrews 11 is followed by an act of obedience. This is the definition of faith.
The definition of faith. So again I ask, how is faith defined in your life? If we believe in God and what He tells us we can expect, the first response needs to be an act of obedience to the gospel message which involves commitment to follow Christ and do His will no matter where it might take you. My faith in Christ has most certainly taken me on a very interesting journey but it's been worth every minute and there is no way I am turning back now. This is the definition of faith.
The definition of faith. So I leave you with that question, how is faith defined in your life? Do you trust God enough to stay true to your commitment to Christ or will you be among those that Hebrews 10:39 calls those who shrink back to destruction? Depending on your answer to these questions, this is the definition of faith. How is faith defined in your life? Take some time to jot some things down on paper with your response.