"Or what great nation is there that has statutes and judgments as righteous as this whole law which I am setting before you today?"--Deuteronomy 4:8. Moses describing how God's law stands high above the rest out of any nation that ever was or will be. We find here that God's greatness is not only seen in who He is but God's greatness is also seen in His commands.
God's greatness. The Ten Commandments are a great example of how great God's commands are, especially the practical section of said commandments found in Exodus 20:12-17. For example, honoring our father and mother (v. 12). Isn't it great that God gives us a command that will create better relationships with our parents? You shall not murder (v. 13). Isn't it great that God has given us a command that would greatly assist in preserving human life? You shall not commit adultery (v. 13). Isn't it great that God has given us a command that help maintain and preserve the marriage relationship? The list goes on.
God's greatness. God's greatness is seen in the fact that His commands are not meant to restrict us but to benefit us both in this life and the next. Returning to the sample of the Ten Commandments I gave above, I don't think you can tell me life gets better when one of those are broken. Again, honor your father and mother. Do we honestly look kindly upon it when we see a child who is disobedient and dishonorable of his or her parents? You shall not murder. We cannot honestly say that it is ever good when an innocent life is taken and this includes that of an unborn child, when does that ever make a person feel good? You shall not commit adultery. Is anyone ever happy when his or her spouse runs off to be with another man or woman? God's greatness is seen in the fact that ALL His commands are there to keep us from having these and so many other problems in our lives. This is not to say that we will never have problems because sometimes our problems are due to circumstances beyond our control such as being laid off from our job due to the economy. However, God's commands are great in that they also give us guidance as to how to handle problems when they do occur including how to handle it when of His commands are broken.
God's greatness. Finally, returning to the passage here in Deuteronomy 4:8, the verse asks what great nation has statutes and judgments as righteous as the whole law of God? This question is relevant even today. Here is why. The United States is a great nation. Much of the reason for this is because, contrary to popular belief, our founding fathers based many of our original laws on biblical and godly principles. It may or may not surprise you to know that the Bible used to be the primary textbook in school classrooms from elementary school all the way up to the university level. Did you know some of our most prestigious universities such as Yale and Harvard used to be schools designed for religious education? The United States is a great nation but much of the reason this great nation of ours is beginning to deteriorate is quite simple. Our great nation is beginning to deteriorate because godly and biblical principles are being kicked to the curb and those who are doing anything about it are becoming fewer and fewer. The greatest nation in the world will only be that which has God's righteous commands and statutes as its foundation for it's laws. This process begins not at the voting booths but when each individual Christian, that means you and me, carries out the Great Commission given to us by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in Matthew 28:18-20. As Solomon so eloquently put it in Proverbs 14:34 "Righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a disgrace to any people."
So we are talking about God's greatness. That being said, my encouragement to you is this. Take some time to write down how your life has gotten better since you have decided to follow God and in turn His Son Jesus Christ. But if you are reading this and have not known God's greatness. Know that His greatness is also seen in His ability to save us from the sinful generation in which we live through His Son Jesus Christ. His greatness to save you is done by obeying the gospel and being baptized into Christ. Allow God's greatness to work in you.
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