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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Keeping your soul: Part 2...Diligence

"Only, give heed to yourself and keep your soul diligently, so that you do not forget the things which your eyes have seen and they do not depart from your heart all the days of your life..."--Deuteronomy 4:9.  We have already looked at the concept of keeping our soul.  But here Moses not only tells Israel to keep their soul but he tells them to keep their soul diligently.  Keeping our soul requires diligence.

Diligence. According to one definition I found, the Hebrew word for diligence can mean force.  We our to keep our soul with diligence.  We our to keep our soul with force.

Force.  When you have to apply force to something you are doing, this obviously requires effort on our part. Lifting weights requires force.  If you have ever had to push a car, that requires force.  Something as simple as carrying something that is heavy requires force.  But most importantly, we have to realize that keeping our soul requires force. Force, according to Merriam-Webster's Dictionary is defined as an active power.  When it comes to keeping our soul, we know from Ephesians 6:12 that our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against spiritual FORCES of evil in the heavenly realms.

There are forces working against us even as you are reading this blog.  This is why we must apply diligence or force to keeping our soul.

Diligence requires effort.  Diligence requires force.  The force or the active power we have at our immediate disposal is God's word from where we can draw the strength to fight the DAILY battle against the spiritual forces that are out to oppose us and cause us to stumble.

So when it comes to diligently keeping your soul, my encouragement to you is this.  I would like to encourage you by drawing your attention back to Deuteronomy 4:9.  Moses tells Israel to keep their soul diligently so that they do not forget what their EYES HAVE SEEN.  Israel witnessed the plagues in Egypt, they saw God's power in the parting of the Red Sea and they witnessed His power at Mount Sinai.  They are told not to forget this.  My encouragement to you is to what you can to keep God before your eyes at all times. But how? Maybe by putting a Bible verse or passage such as Ephesians 6:12 or some other Bible verse on your Facebook page or on your cell phone.  Put a scripture or something having to do with our Lord somewhere visible so that you can keep the things of God before your eyes at all times.

Finally, if you are wondering about your soul and not sure about the condition of your soul, realize that only the blood of Jesus can wipe away those sins.  The only way to come in to contact with that blood is believing in who Jesus is and obeying His gospel.  Keep your soul.  Keep your soul with DILIGENCE! :-)


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