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Monday, August 22, 2011

The light in the darkness: The facts.

"This was to fulfill what was spoken through Isaiah the prophet: The land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, by the way of the sea, beyond the Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles--The people who were sitting in darkness saw a great light, and those who were sitting in the land and shadow of death, upon them a light dawned."--Matthew 4:15-16.  As I have mentioned before, Matthew is meant to prove to the Jew that Jesus is the Messiah.  One way Matthew does this is by showing that Jesus fulfilled prophecies.  This is one of them.  Jesus leaves His hometown of Nazareth and moves into the region of Zebulun (pictured below) and this was in order to fulfill a prophecy found in Isaiah 9:1-2.  According to this prophecy, Jesus would be the light in the darkness.

The light in the darkness. Look closely at the image at the beginning of this blog.  If you look closely, you will see a person sitting on the floor in what would otherwise be a dark room.  Jesus, among other things, He is known as the light of the world.  The people of Zebulun (and Naphtali also pictured in the map above), as the prophecy states, were sitting in darkness but then comes Jesus, a light in the darkness. 

A question.  Have you ever been in a room so dark you cannot even see your hand in front of your face?  Imagine sitting in a room such as in the one pictured above.  The situation seems hopeless but then all of a sudden you see a small glimmer of light begin to grow.  Imagine you are the individual in the picture above. Would it not bring you joy to know a light has finally come to your dark world? 

Before Jesus came, this world was sitting in the darkness.  Even God's people, with the exception of a few were caught up in man made tradition, idolatry and were anything but faithful to God.  But then comes Jesus, a light in the darkness. 

The light in the darkness.  Something we need to understand is that Christ allows us the opportunity to get out of the darkness.  He shines the light on our lives and provides the one and only opportunity to escape from that darkness so that we can live better lives and ultimately spend eternity with Him in heaven when this life is over.  

Jesus is a light in the darkness.  Something we must also consider though is the fact that many people have been in the darkness so long, they have gotten comfortable in the darkness.  These people have gotten so comfortable in the darkness that they almost see the light (Jesus) as a threat as opposed to a hope of escape. 

What I mean is the simple fact that a lot of people reject Christ because they think His expectations are meant to restrict as opposed to protect.  John 1:5 is pretty clear about how many people in darkness react to the light.  The darkness does not comprehend the light.  

Jesus is the light in the darkness.  Jesus' short three year ministry changed the world.  We may not see Him physically but His light still shines as brightly today as it did then.  As Christians, it is you and I that have the light.  When we look around the world today, it would be a lie to say the darkness has been eliminated.  There is still a lot of people sitting in a dark room with seemingly no way out.  It is our duty to take the light of Jesus to these people.  If you are reading this and still sitting in darkness wondering if there is a way out, realize that Christ is your one and only way out.  And in order to take advantage of the light He offers us, it begins with obeying the gospel.  Will you let Jesus be the light in the darkness?


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