Numbers 22-24...It was difficult to pick out just a few verses from this set of chapters as the account we find here would be difficult to relay just by picking a few verses. It is in these three chapters that we find the account of Balaam. Balaam was a prophet who was hired out to curse Israel. However, we find that God would not allow it because in Numbers 22:12 God tells Balaam that they are blessed. By the time we get to Numbers 22:22, we find that God is not pleased at all with Balaam's intentions. When we look to the New Testament in Revelation 2:14, we find that Balaam would teach Balak, the person who hired him, how he could cause Israel to stumble. In short, Balaam would become a stumbling block to God's people.
Stumbling blocks. In laying a little groundwork, we have to realize that Balaam was not a typical prophet, the NASB calls Balaam a diviner in Joshua 13:22. He was a fortune teller of sorts that would be hired out. Balaam's intentions all along were to cause Israel to stumble.
Stumbling blocks. From Revelation 2:14 and other passages, we can gather that God does not look kindly upon those who cause others to sin.
Stumbling blocks. We know sinning itself is terrible enough but what about when we are the reason someone else sins? What about when we are that stumbling block?
Stumbling blocks. The church in Pergamum found in Revelation 2:14 was in danger of losing it's standing with God because it held "to the teaching of Balaam" which meant that they were essentially teaching others how to sin.
Stumbling blocks. How does this all relate to us? Well Numbers 22:22 tells us plainly that God was angry with Balaam's actions. God hates it just as much when we cause others to sin as He does when we are the ones who sin.
Stumbling blocks. Because of the fact that we can cause others to sin, this is why it is crucial to keep a close eye on the example we set not only by what we say but also by our actions. We live in a world today where many churches are teaching that you can live whatever sort of lifestyle you choose so long as you "love Jesus." Please allow me to stand on my soapbox. My response to this teaching is that this could not be further from the truth of what the Scripture teaches. There is a song called "Freedom" by country artist Kenny Chesney and one of the lyrics in there says "Some say freedom is to live like the devil but hold on to Jesus." This lyric could not ring more true in today's culture. Have we forgotten that loving Jesus means to obey His commands? See 1 John 5:3. Now stepping off my soapbox.
Stumbling blocks. So my encouragement to you is this, take a close look at your life and make sure there is nothing there that would cause a fellow Christian to stumble. This might involve thinking before you act on something. We cannot allow ourselves to become a tripping hazard such as in the image above. Don't let yourself be the reason someone else sins.
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