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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Worship and serve God only

"Then Jesus said to Him, 'Go Satan! For it is written You shall worship the LORD your God, and serve Him only.' Then the devil left Him..."--Matthew 4:10-11.  This was Jesus' response to the third and final temptation given by Satan.  The third and final temptation would fall into the category of the lust of the eyes.  Jesus was offered all the kingdoms of the world.  But there was one condition and that was condition was that Jesus "fall down and worship" Satan.  And Jesus responds with the Scripture given above. Jesus rebukes Satan by telling him we are to worship and serve God only.

Worship and serve God only. This seems like an exclusive statement doesn't it?  Many outside the and even some inside the Lord's church would think so. However, I propose to you that this is not as exclusive a statement as it might seem.

Worship and serve God only.  One reason God expects everything from us is because quite honestly God is the only one that has everything that is good to offer. And what makes this even better is that He offers it to everyone who will take it by committing themselves to following Him beginning with obeying the gospel.  God has everything to offer no matter what age, color, race or gender.  What Satan was offering Christ in this passage was something that would come to ruins.  I don't think any of those kingdoms that Satan showed Christ are there today.  Satan may offer us something but it is only to satisfy a temporary craving whose end is the loss of eternal life with God.  

Worship and serve God only.  I don't know about you but I think this is an awesome thing to know that serving God quite honestly has its perks.  For example, I have formed some of the best friendships I have ever had simply because of my decision to follow Christ.  Among some of the closest friends I have had are my best friend Kenny Garcia and his wife Cassie, and others such as Nolan and Megan Murray, Jessica and Nathan Mcveigh and the list just goes on and on.  It would take all night to list how many people, fellow Christians hold such a special place in my heart. And I don't want to take that much of your time either :-). But I have received these and so many other blessings because I have chosen to worship and serve God only.

Worship and serve God only.  I am not saying that Christianity is a "skip in the park" as I heard of one preacher putting it but worshipping and serving God only will also help carry us through the most difficult times but also will help us enjoy the best of times that much more.  And this is all because we have chosen to worship and serve God only.

So my encouragement to you is this, take some time to write down what blessings you have received since you became a Christian on a piece of paper.  I think you will surprise yourself at how much God has blessed you.  But if you are reading this and want that relationship with God and in turn those blessings click the link on the side titled "Are you sure of your eternal salvation?" to study more on how you can make sure you are right with God. No matter what happens.  Remember to worship and serve God only. 


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