"You shall teach them to your sons, talking of them when you walk along the road and when you lie down and when you rise up."Deuteronomy 11:19. Moses, giving the Israelites a very practical way to help them remember to keep God's commandments as they get ready to enter into the Promised Land. He encourages them to talk about them when they are walking along, lying down and rising up. This shows us that they were to be pondering on God's commands, if not doing them not part of the time but all the time.
All the time. Much of the time this Deuteronomy 11:19 is used to show the importance of us raising our children to serve the Lord. This is most definitely a valid verse to use for that and it is ever important for us to teach the commands of God to our children because the fact is we are losing them at alarming rates. However, I want to take a different approach to this verse. This verse is evidence that God's commands need to constantly be on our minds and hearts. By constantly, I mean all the time.
All the time. Much of the reason my relationship with my best friend and brother in Christ, Kenny, got started was because more often than not our conversation would somehow come back to the Scriptures and what they teach. We would be talking about what is going on in each other's lives and it never failed, we would always end up talking about the Scriptures because they related to the events in our lives in some form or fashion. To this day, even though we are now pursuing our own goals, every time we talk this still happens. Whenever we talk, somehow we talk about the things of God all the time.
All the time. Based on Deuteronomy 11:19, we can see that this is what God expects. Granted this is the old law but the fact that we should be talking about the things of God all the time is also found in the New Testament. Peter in 2 Peter 1:12, says he will be diligent to remind Christians that they must be diligent to be partakers of the divine nature. He too would try to remind people all the time.
All the time. Let me say here that I am not saying that the Scriptures should be the topic of every conversation we have with people. What I am saying though is whatever we are talking about, we need to carry the conversation in such a way that it ultimately brings glory to God and also in such a way that it builds up the person we are talking to, not tears them down. This is something we need to do all the time.
All the time. So my encouragement to you this morning is this. As I said, Deuteronomy 11:19 is very applicable to us today. Therefore, next time you come in to contact with someone, see if there is a way you can bring the conversation back to God whether they are Christians or not. For example, with a Christian find Scriptures that can apply to your conversation. With someone who is not a Christian you can speak of the natural beauty and let that lead into a conversation about God and how He created all of this. But whatever you do, as the old adage goes "let go and let God" lead your conversation. We will be looking at another aspect of talking about the things of God all the time tomorrow. In the meantime...
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