"Now Israel, what does the Lord God require from you, but to fear the LORD your God, to walk in all His ways."--Deuteronomy 10:12. Moses, telling the people that they are not only to fear God but also to walk in all His ways.
Walking. Ever had to walk somewhere? I am sure you have. Maybe it was walking to school. Maybe it was having to walk a certain distance after parking your car for some event. This concept of walking is one of the first things we learn in life. If you are a parent, you know how excited you get when your child takes their first steps. This is their first steps towards walking.
Walking. When you are walking, most often you have a particular direction you are headed and you have a certain goal in mind. Ill never forget when I was in junior high, the long story short is that me and my friends missed the local bus one night and we ended up having to walk home. Funny thing was we were on the opposite side of town from where home was and my mom was out of town. Therefore, we had to walk home and on foot it took us a good two hours to get home. But we made it. We were walking in a particular direction with a particular goal in mind. The goal of course being in home.
Walking. This concept of walking is something that is prevalent throughout the Scriptures. This concept has in mind with it also walking in a specific direction with a specific goal.
Walking. As Christians we know that the road we walk is a narrow one but we need to ask ourselves what direction are we headed? I live in Colorado. I have gone hiking on several occasions. On some of the trails here, its easy to get off the trail. Not only that but some trails are more rugged then others but you know what? I love it. And it thrills me when I know I have completed a trail.
We live in a world that claims there is many trails we can walk to get to God but we know that there is only one way that is THE way, Jesus Christ who is THE way, THE truth, and THE life. Sounds pretty exclusive doesn't it. Well maybe but the great thing is that Jesus welcomes anyone who wants to walk in His ways no matter what gender, color, race, age, or language. But walking on this way requires us to stay on that way which as Deuteronomy 10:12 tells us means walking in HIS ways. As I mentioned at the beginning, when we walk somewhere we have to go a specific direction and follow the directions to get there. As Christians, we are walking to heaven, and some may even be running. Will we follow the directions God has given us through His Word? Will we make it a point to walk in His ways as they are found in Scripture?
Walking. So I ask you this where are you walking? My prayer is that you are walking towards heaven by walking in His ways. If not, take some time to reflect on your relationship with the Lord and do not delay in obeying the gospel message. My prayer is that we all continue to examine God's Word to make sure that we are walking in His ways because that is the only way we will be able to spend eternity with Him. So if you are a Christian, keep walking, our destination is closer than we think. If you are not sure you are walking in His ways, it is not too late to start walking in the way God is calling you to walk.
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