All the time. Yesterday we talked about how we should be talking about the things of God all the time but here we find another practical application of reminding ourselves of God's commands all the time and that is to write them on the doorposts and on your gates, according to Deuteronomy 11:20.
All the time. Now some Jewish homes probably did this literally. However, the point today is not so much where we write them. The point is more so keeping God's commands in front of your eyes and in front of your mind all the time.
All the time. One thing that I have always found to be very cool is that some Christian homes actually have done this literally. In a couple of different homes that I have been in, there have been Scriptures decoratively painted on to the wall. At other times, there is a frame with a verse on it or even some decorative item such as a blanket or throw pillow with a Bible verse on it. One verse I see most frequently when I enter these homes is Joshua 24:15 which says "...choose for yourselves this day whom you will for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." The image below is a couple of small ways that I employed this method. The items pictured were gifts to me. One is a little decorative item to remember to give thanks (to God of course) for all I have and for all God has done for me. The other is a little frame given to me when I graduated High School because of my attitude and in case you can't see it, the frame has within it Proverbs 25:11 which states "A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver." This reminds me to always try to have an encouraging word on my tongue. The wording of this verse is also the reason there is an image of a golden apple in the frame.
How about technology? Has technology not made it that much more possible for us to have God's commands in front of us at all times. I'll never forget the assignment I was given as part of a Ministry Technologies class I took last year at the Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver. We were told to daily update our Facebook statuses with something of a spiritual nature whether it was a Bible verse or something else that glorified God. This is one thing we can do to make sure God's commands are visible all the time. Of course, we can also use our cell phones and put a Bible verse on our home screen. This will not only remind us of God's commands but it should also remind us to carry out God's commands in our lives all the time.
All the time. So, in closing, my encouragement to you is this. Apply the couple of different methods I have described here to yourself so that you keep God's commands in front of your eyes and in front of your minds at all times. Additionally, I mentioned Joshua 24:15. In reference to that verse, you have been contemplating giving your life over in service to Christ through obedience to the gospel, consider the statement "Choose this day whom you will serve." Do not delay in making this choice. Choose this day whom YOU will serve. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
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