"Hear O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord is one! You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul..."--Deuteronomy 6:4-5. Moses reminding the people that they are not only to love God with all their heart but also with all their soul.
Love God with all your soul. According to The New American Commentary on Genesis (p. 164), the word soul here refers to the invisible part of the individual which includes our will and sensibilities.
Love God with all your soul. If said definition is correct, this means that we are not only to love God with the seat of our emotions, the heart but all with our will.
Love God with all your soul. There is no way around the fact that if we are to love God with all our soul or will, by default that means that our will MUST line up with God's will.
Love God with all your soul. Jesus tells us that only the one who does the will of the Father (God) will enter the kingdom of heaven.
So what is God's will? This is a very broad concept I know but in it's most basic form, God's will is for all to come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9) and to follow His commands.
Love God with all your soul. In short, God's will is that all go to heaven to be with Him. However, this is dependent on our choice to follow and put our trust in Him beginning with obeying the gospel. So the choice is ours.
My encouragement to you is this. Consider what it means to love God with all your soul. This means we must line up our will with God's will. To love God is to obey His commands (1 John 2:3-5).
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