Jesus with the disciples on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35)
"Then beginning with Moses and the prophets, He explained to them the things concerning Himself in all the Scriptures."--Luke 24:27. On the road to Emmaus. One of the several post-resurrection appearances of Christ to the disciples we read about in the gospels. But the interesting thing about this event is that Jesus was not recognized until later that evening at meal time. This is an awesome account to say the least. One of the aspects of this story is that Jesus Himself helped the disciples understand more about Himself beginning with what they knew, Moses and the Prophets. This was all they had. Of course at this point none of the New Testament had been written yet. What makes this so awesome is they got to know Jesus by talking to Jesus Himself. Where we have the advantage is that we do have the New Testament.
Let me ask you a question, what is the best way to get to know someone? Well I think the obvious answer would be, you talk to the person you want to get to know. Ask them questions, spend some quality time with them. I mean isn't this what we do even in the church to get to know one another? A visitor comes in the door. Ideally, our desire should be to get to know that person. But how do we do that unless we go up to that person and talk to them? I mean really talk to them, not just "Hi my name is so and so, glad you could be here," and then go on your way. Offer to take that visitor or new member out to lunch or coffee where you can just get acquainted. Once again the best way to get to know a person to take the initiative to take an interest in someone and get acquainted with them. Let them tell you their story.
So you might be asking, what is my point? What does this have to do with what happened on the road to Emmaus? Well Jesus Himself told the disciples His story from the beginning, starting from Moses all the way through the Prophets. We see the disciples, although they did not immediately recognize Him, allowed Jesus to tell them His story. I also mentioned we have an advantage, unlike the apostles and the disciples of old, we have the New Testament. My encouragement to you tonight is this. Start getting to know Jesus. How? I encourage you to make some time this week and sit down and read through one of the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John), in one sitting if at all possible. Don't just read it but really study it, highlight key points about who Jesus is. Through His Word, let Him tell you His story. If you want some prophecy in the mix, I would strongly recommend Matthew as the purpose of this particular account is to prove through prophecy to the Jew that Jesus is the Messiah. But also consider the example I gave in my second paragraph regarding getting to know someone who visits your congregation, whether its a visitor or someone who has recently placed membership, take them out to coffee or lunch after services and get to know that person. Allow them to tell you as much of their story as they care to share. What is the purpose in all of this? The purpose in all of this is ultimately so we can really start getting to know Jesus. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! PRAY ABOUT IT! LOVE Y'ALL GOD BLESS!
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