"Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I. Send me!”--Isaiah 6:8. Isaiah heard the call of God. He responded. Plain and simple. Isaiah would give us one of the most well known prophecies concerning Christ found in Isaiah 53, "He was pierced for our transgressions...crushed by our iniquities...by His scourging we are healed." Isaiah responded to the call. God was asking who He should send, He didn't call Isaiah directly the way He called Moses or Joshua but God asked whom shall I send? And Isaiah, for the lack of a better term, volunteered. It is my opinion that God is asking this same question of US today, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?"
The army needs recruits. The army is not forcing you to join, it is completely voluntary. The recruitment process is fairly simple but once recruited you will be involved in rigorous training. Joining this army may mean you have to leave your friends and family behind for the greater good. Joining this army may mean you have to drop whatever it is you are involved in right now and follow, trust and obey your commander wherever He goes and in whatever He says. One more thing, if you decide to sign up, make sure you are willing to commit for life. This army is looking for recruits who will serve their commander for the rest of their lives. If you are unwilling to accept any of these possibilities, you probably should not join. Benefits? Several. Retirement Package? After a lifetime of service, you will be awarded eternal life and a home in heaven with God.
This is not exactly how God approached asking His question in Isaiah 6:8. It's not exactly how Jesus went about making disciples but isn't this what He asks of us in the Scriptures? Whom shall I send? Who will go for Us? And Jesus' statement in John 21:19 "Follow Me!" But regarding the above "Army ad" that I created isn't this some of the things Jesus says are required of a disciple? To follow Him and putting Him first in our daily lives even if it means leaving behind friends and family or the lifestyle we have always known? Things one has to consider when deciding to make Jesus Lord. God is looking for volunteers for His army. Isaiah volunteered with no questions asked. Shouldn't this be our attitude? Being willing to serve the Lord with no questions asked? The call is still the same. Whom shall I send? Who will go for Us? As I said above, the recruitment process is fairly simple. The recruitment process involves belief and faith in Jesus Christ and what He did. The recruitment process involves repentance of sins and being immersed into Christ for the remission of those sins. After you have done that, you are now a private in the army of the Lord, a new recruit. But it is then and only then that the training begins. Your Commander in Chief is Jesus Christ but He has placed other members of His army above you to train you, help you, and guide you during a lifetime of training. Did I mention training is a lifetime? Even those above you are still training but we were in your position once too, a new recruit in the army of the Lord not knowing how our life would be different or what we would encounter. We still don't really know but our trust is in our commander and chief Jesus Christ and He will lead ALL of us, new or a little older. If you have not responded to the call, consider the cost, and if you choose to respond to the call, follow the simple recruitment process and you are a member of the Lord's army and on behalf of the Lord Jesus Christ our God, you will be welcomed with open arms. If you already a member of the Lord's army, are you still faithful to our Commander in Chief or have you gone off the road which our Commander has commanded us to walk? Whatever side of the equation you are on, respond to the call. If you have gone off the path, it's not too late to get back on, the rest of us are here to help. If you wish to become a new recruit, know you have others waiting to welcome you into the army of the Lord as well as our Commander in Chief Jesus Christ Himself. I pray you respond as Isaiah did. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! PRAY ABOUT IT! LOVE Y'ALL GOD BLESS!
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