"Jesus said to him 'Have I been so long with you, and yet you have not come to know me...?'"--John 14:9. Jesus asked this question to Philip after he asks Jesus to show Him the Father. Philip went on to do great things but here his heart appears to still have been hard and/or doubtful of Christ. I wonder if Jesus is still asking this of the Christian today?
So your average Christian sits in that pew every Sunday and sits through that bible Study every Wednesday. Yet somehow he/she still struggles to believe despite being shown the Father. This is no foreign struggle but it does break my heart that in spite of all the evidence presented, the Christian still chooses not to fully believe. Oh and did I mention this was the Christian? Seems almost contradictory doesn't it? We spend so much time willingly learning all we can yet there is something inside, that little hard spot in our heart, that does not allow us to really believe. It breaks my heart when I catch myself looking around and some of the expressions I see on the faces of my brother's and sister's around me at service and/or bible study tell me that their heart is hard and they are simply going through the motions. At this point, I am asking you reader not to think I am judging others. As I said this is a common struggle. So the question remains, how can the Christian move past this little hardness of heart in them? In this case, I think of the man who in Mark 9 responded to Jesus by saying "I believe; help my unbelief." Brother, sister, if you struggle with believing in Christ even after sitting through countless services and bible studies, I encourage you to ask Christ to help your unbelief. Doubt should cause us to seek Him that much more, not to reject Him! So this day Jesus may still be asking you "Have I been so long with you, and yet you have not come to know Me?" What is your answer? May the Lord help us all in our unbelief. Love you guys. Pray about it. God bless!
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