"Serve the Lord with gladness"--Psalm 100:2.
Service to God. We all do it to some extent. But we have to ask ourselves a very simple question. What is our attitude towards our service to God? The next line of this verse tells us we ought to come before Him with joyful singing. Everywhere I look in the Scriptures, the Scripture's say our two main attitudes toward God need to be the following: An attitude of joy and an attitude of humility. Please don't misunderstand though, there is so much more to serving God than just these two attitudes. The Scriptures do tell us though what our attitudes should definitely not be. We should not complain, we should not get angry and this is just two among many. Psalm 100 tells us that we should serve the Lord with gladness. This is actually an area that is very close to my heart so I will do my best to not rant here. I just fail to understand why some Christians drag their feet and complain when they are asked to do something for the Lord's kingdom. It irks me simply because I have experienced it myself in my ministry. Granted, I know this is more common than not but the point is this should not be our attitude. We need to jump at the opportunity to do something for the Lord's kingdom. I guarantee you those opportunities are A LOT closer than you think. When is the last time we helped a brother or sister shovel snow or rake some leaves? When is the last time we took time out to talk to a visitor at worship before he/she darted out the back door? When is the last time _________________? You fill in the blank. Reader, please understand that these devo's, including this one, are not just for your benefit, but also for myself. I have honestly lost count of how many opportunities for service in the Lord's kingdom I have missed out on either because I chose not to perform the service or I simply was not aware of the opportunity until it had passed. But returning to the point of this devo, if you have done an act of service in the Lord's kingdom, what was your attitude when you did it? Were you complaining? Were you dragging your feet? Were you frustrated because it was an inconvenience to you and your schedule? Were you _____________________? Again, fill in the blank. Returning to the passage, the point is we need to serve the Lord with gladness. So I ask again, what is your attitude towards service to God? Please feel free to comment. Pray about it, do something about it. Love y'all God bless.
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