God has done some amazing things hasn't He? Hasn't He? I could name off examples of some of the amazing things God has done for us but God has worked differently in your life than He has in mine. What we have in common though is the most amazing thing He has done for us, and that is He has sent His Son to die and to be raised so that we might be saved from our sins. God did some amazing things for Samson yet Samson complained about one little thing, water. Water was something necessary to be sure but there was no reason to complain. I think Samson's problem, and the problem that a lot of Christians have today, myself included at times is that we start focusing on what we don't have versus focusing on what we do have. Samson was one man and he slayed thousands! It is only by the grace of God that you beat those odds. I have said it before but I have had personal experience with God coming through for me against all odds. Yet I have still found myself complaining because all of a sudden I realize I need something and God hasn't given it to me yet. For instance, right now I am trying to raise some support for an upcoming mission trip. I have a short amount of time to do it. What I am focused on is the fact that God has provided for me in the past and I need to trust that He will provide for me again. Samson failed to do this. He got focused on what he was lacking and complained. Complaining doesn't help. If there is something you know for a fact you need, and I do mean NEED, not want. Big difference between the two. The first thing we need to do is ASK God, not complain to Him.
Bottom line, God knows what we need before we ask Him. This weekend I encourage you do something. Take some time out of your schedule to jot down everything God has done for you. We are still in the beginnings of 2011. So take some time and make a list of everything God did for you in 2010. After you do that, make a list of what you think you will NEED, not want in 2011 and pray about those things and trust that God will provide, maybe even in a way we would never have expected. I think we might surprise ourselves with everything God accomplished in our lives in 2010. Now here is the catch, and I am going to do my best to do this with you. Hang on to both lists.Keep the 2010 list as a reminder. Keep the 2011 list to check off what God fulfilled for you and to add items as God does more amazing things in your life this year and I promise you He will!
I pray this practical encouragement helps you in your relationship with God as we make the attempt to get closer to heaven in 2011! Also, never forget to THINK SOULS!--DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! PRAY ABOUT IT! LOVE Y'ALL GOD BLESS!
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