Mark 14:30-31
"But seeing the wind, he became frightened, and beginning to sink, he cried out 'Lord, save me!'"--Matthew 14:30. This is another one of my favorite and most thought provoking accounts in the gospels. When Peter, walked on water, took his eyes off Christ and began to sink. This section of Scripture has probably preached on at least 1000 times but we always need to be reminded of the lessons we can learn from what happened with Peter when he took his eyes off Jesus.
Lord, save me. Three little words. Yet some of the most powerful a person can ever utter. This is a desperate cry on the part of Peter. Its a desperate cry on our part when we begin to sink into the depths of the storm tossed seas of this life. It was a windy stormy night that night. Let me ask you, is it a windy and stormy night in your life right now? Here in Denver, we just got a good few inches of snow. Enough to make the roads icy and difficult to drive in. Thanks be to God that while my car slid a couple of times, by His grace I managed to avoid hitting anything. But I was fortunate compared to how bad the east coast got hit by "old man winter." Maybe your storm is or was just a few inches of snow like here in Denver or maybe it is/was a blizzard such as on the east coast. Either way it's not fun to be in, especially when you are behind the wheel. But what got me through these dangerous conditions was trusting in God that nothing would happen to me but being open to the fact that if something did, I would trust Him enough to save me. I didn't have any accidents but there were the unfortunate ones who did have accidents here in Denver as a result of the weather.
My point is we are going to have stormy times in our life. Sometimes things will turn out in our favor that the storm will pass quickly. There will be times when the storm will cause us to skid off the straight and narrow path to which God has called us. But if we take our eyes off Christ, we won't get through that storm alive. The passage says Peter saw the wind and became frightened. He took His eyes off Christ and could have easily died that night. I wonder if Peter had not uttered those 3 powerful words, would Jesus have saved Him? My guess would be yes but Peter asked, nay pleaded to be saved. This is what is so awesome about this account is even though Peter took His eyes off Jesus, Jesus was still willing to save him. But while Jesus saves Peter, he still asks him the question that gives me chills every time, "You of little faith, why did you doubt?" Many times Christians fear hearing the phrase "Depart from me, for I never knew you." but I also fear the phrase "You of little faith, why did you doubt?" We are told in Hebrews 11 that without faith it is impossible to please God. Peter sank because his faith failed him. He took his eyes off Christ. In life we WILL have times where we will take our eyes off Christ. But reader, realize that when this happens Christ is willing to save you. This is not the only mistake Peter made. And like Peter we will have more times when we stumble and "see the wind" as opposed to seeing Christ. As you spend some quality time with Christ, look to see him. If you have not made Jesus your Lord and put him on in baptism for the remission of your sins, do not be afraid to utter those 3 powerful words "Lord, save me!". But if you are a Christian, this still needs to be our plea. We have been saved, but when the storms come because they will, may our plea always be "Lord, save me!" Pray about it. Love y'all God bless!
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