"But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord."--Genesis 6:8. Noah, the man we all know as the one who went onto the ark along with his family while the rest of the world was destroyed with a global flood. At this point in history, we are told in Genesis 6:5-6 that every intent of the the thoughts of man's heart was evil continually and that the Lord was grieved in his heart for making man. The world was a very dark place and because it was it would soon be destroyed but in this dark world there was a candle burning, and his name was Noah. Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord. Noah was like a candle in a dark room.
A candle in a dark room. You may be looking at the image above and chances are your eyes are drawn to the candle in the center of the image. Why is that? Well the candle is a light in a background of darkness. This was Noah. The word "But" in Genesis 6:8 shows a contrast. The world was dark and it was evil in his day BUT Noah was different, he stood in stark contrast to the world around him. Noah found favor. Genesis 7:1 tells us Noah was righteous. He sought to please God and this is why he would be spared in the flood. He was a candle that God would not put out.
A candle in a dark room. Because Noah found favor with God, God told Noah what He was going to do. We know the story. God tells Noah to build the ark so he and his family could be saved. Noah did what God asked him to do. It took Noah about 100 years to build the ark. Chances are during the construction, he was mocked for doing God's will but his light continued to shine and Noah continued to build.
A candle in a dark room. So what does this mean to us? Today, we still live in a dark world where the intent of the thoughts of men are evil continually as stated in Genesis 6:5 but we must continue to build and do God's will even when we are persecuted for it. I don't like preaching fire and brimstone but we can't ignore the fact that God will once again execute His judgment on the world and each one of us will be rewarded according to our deeds, good or bad.
A candle in a dark room. Look again at the image above. When God looks around the world, where do you fall? The candle above occupies a very small amount of space in the image yet it dominates the picture even when it is surrounded by darkness. When God looks at this dark world, will you be lost in the background or will you be that light that stands out in the middle of the darkness whose light God will not put out? I don't know where you are in your walk with God but maybe you allowed your candle to go out and need to light it once again. Or maybe you don't have a candle at all, lighting our candle begins by obeying the gospel of Christ. When God looks around this dark world, will you be a candle in a dark room? DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! PRAY ABOUT IT! LOVE Y'ALL! GOD BLESS!
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