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Monday, April 11, 2011

Psalm 42: Part 3...Our God...Our Rock...our Help

The Loch Below Andrews Glacier Rocky Mountain National Park Colorado

"I will say to God my rock, "Why have you forgotten me? Why do I go on mourning because of the oppression of the enemy?"--Psalm 42:9. This verse begins the third section of Psalm 42 which encompasses Psalm 42:9-11.  The psalmist once again focuses his attention on his troubles.  He begins to question God yet at the same time he knows his hope is in God and God alone.

Our God.  Let's face the facts here.  God is God.  There are times when He will allow things to happen in our lives that are beyond our control and we will not understand why. I don't know if any of us will go through something as excruciating as what the psalmist is going through in Psalm 42 which is something where his suffering is equal to the shattering of his bones.  Adding insult to injury, they once again ask "Where is Your God?"  We may ask that, but tonight I want to remind you that when you are suffering, no matter how small or great, God is right there with you. Remember, He watched His Son die on that cross.  All the sin of the world was on Him. Everything, and I do mean every piece of suffering any of us could go through was nailed to that cross.  If nothing else, that is why we should be confident that God understands our suffering and will see us through it. 

Our Rock. I live in Colorado. Home of the Rocky mountains. The concept of a rock is used in the Scriptures. A rock is solid, a rock is able to withstand the harsh elements of nature.  If we put our hope in God, we will be able to withstand the harsh elements of the suffering that comes with living in this world. I don't know how many snow storms the Rocky Mountains have seen but one thing is for sure, today they are still standing tall and proud because of the God given nature that they are. God will give us His nature and the power to withstand the harsh elements of suffering when we obey the gospel.

Our Help.  At the end of this passage, the psalmist calls God the help of his countenance. As I close out this short series on Psalm 42, I want to leave you with the reminder that while the language is somber and sad in this Psalm, this Psalm is a message of hope that no matter how overwhelming the circumstances, we must remember that God is our Help through the difficult times. 

I know for me, when I am down, more often than not it is helping others through their trials that brings a smile to my face.  I have my struggles, some of which only me and the Lord know about but while I always seek to help people, no matter how I am feeling, I find that just like Paul, it is when I am weak that I am made strong. Are you feeling down today? You may not feel up to it, but go out and see how you can encourage someone else because I am willing to bet that by helping others, you will help yourself and the Lord will work through you. I pray you have found this short series encouraging. If you have missed out on the previous two, the links are on the blog roll. And always remember Our God is Our Rock and Our Help. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! PRAY ABOUT IT! LOVE Y'ALL! GOD BLESS! 

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