**This was my devotional thoughts at church tonight.** Hope you find it encouraging :-).
"For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek."--Romans 1:16.
This last Sunday, our youth minister, here at the Bear Valley Church of Christ Brett spoke about the plague of frogs, one of the ten plagues of Egypt. What this plague was, among other things, was a display of God's POWER.
One of the last things Jesus said to the apostles in Acts 1:8 was that they would receive POWER when the Holy Spirit would come upon them.
Today of course we don't have the miraculous power but we still see God's POWER at work when a soul is saved through baptism.
We see God's POWER at work when HIS WORD pierces someone's heart causing them to re-commit their lives to Him.
These are just a few examples of God's POWER at work. But the Bible also speaks of a different kind of power, the power of sin.
In the Bible, we see the power of sin at work in Pharaoh when he refused to let Israel go.
We see the power of sin at work with the Roman Empire telling Christians to forsake God and worship Caesar as Lord.
Today, we see the power of sin at work when lives are destroyed by the sin of addiction to any given substance.
We see the power of sin at work when we see our young people drawn away from the church by the world when they leave High School and go off to college.
But thanks be to God that His power can win out because of what Christ did on the cross.
You have two conflicting powers. The power of God and the power of sin. Which power will you allow to control you? It starts with God's Word.
God is calling us, will we tap into His power and allow His power to defeat the power of sin in our lives? It starts with obedience to the gospel, the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes. What will you do with the power?
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