"Sarah laughed to herself, 'After I have become old, shall I have pleasure, my lord being old also?' And the Lord said to Abraham, 'Why did Sarah laugh, saying, 'Shall I indeed bear a child when I am so old?' 'Is anything too difficult for the Lord?'...--Genesis 18:12-14. At this point in time, we see God's promise reaffirmed to Abraham that he and Sarah will have a son. Problem is Sarah has been barren and is well past the age of child bearing. So what does she do? She laughs at God's plans.
Laughing at God's plans. I am sure we have all heard the old saying "If you want to hear God laugh tell Him your plans." Well this morning I want to flip that around, how often are we guilty of laughing at God when He tells us HIS plans??? This is what was going on with Sarah. Sarah analyzes the situation and compares the odds of her ever having children and she just cannot see how it is possible she will ever have a child. Therefore, she begins laughing at God's plans.
Laughing at God's plans. Is anything too difficult for the Lord? This is God's question to Abraham after Sarah laughs at God's plans. We find in verse 15 that Sarah denies laughing. But this is a legitimate question, is anything too difficult for the Lord? There may be situations where the odds are against us but God doesn't deal in odds. We can find throughout the Old Testament where the Israelites were outnumbered by sometimes thousands. Yet if they trusted God and followed His commands, victory was theirs.
Laughing at God's plans. This morning realize that even if the odds are against you in any given situation, with God you can come through victoriously even when the situation seems impossible. We can't forget God created the entire universe. If He can make sure the universe continues to do what we know it to do, I think we can trust Him to handle our problems even when the odds are against us.
Laughing at God's plans. I have faced some impossible situations in my life so I can speak from personal experience that God has gotten me through. It was by no means easy and required effort on my part but speaking from experience, I encourage you to lean on God even when the situation seems impossible. You can also look to Job for a great example of how someone held to God even in the very worst of circumstances. It's okay for God to laugh at our plans but let's not make it a habit to be laughing at God's plans.
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