"God saw all the He had made and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day."--Genesis 1:31. Genesis 1 is the close of the creation account. Everything in the heavens and on earth had been created, including God's crowning creation, man, made in His image. Genesis 2 will give us a more detailed account of the creation. Contrary to popular belief Genesis 2 is NOT a second creation, it is simply a recounting of the same creation from Genesis 1 but with more detail. But my point this morning is the key phrase in Genesis 1:31, "it was very good."
It was very good. It's hard to wrap our minds around just how good is very good in terms of God's original creation. The above image of course is just one of many portrayals of what the garden may have looked like but none of us really know. The point here is that it was very good.
It was very good. Today, we can look around us and between the pollution, smog, and whatever other junk is floating around in the air we breath, it is clear that the world we live in today is anything but very good. Please don't construe this as an environmentalist statement or something like that. However, let's notice a key thought in Genesis 2:15. In this passage, man is told to keep and cultivate the garden. What God created was very good. A big part of me thinks He expected us to keep it that way in the beginning.
It was very good. So what do we do now? Obviously we have gotten away from what was very good in today's world. Not just in terms of creation but also our relationship with God. Every Christian is first responsible for their own relationship with God but also for helping others in their relationship with God which was also very good at the beginning.
Second, I am not suggesting to go out and become an environmentalist. All I am encouraging you to do is maybe plant your own garden or help someone else take care of theirs. Or maybe just help someone in their yard altogether. Maybe it's not such a bad idea to go green. After all, God did give us a garden to take care of in the beginning and that garden was very good.
This is just some food for thought. I pray you found it encouraging. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! PRAY ABOUT IT! LOVE Y'ALL! GOD BLESS!
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