"In the beginning God..."--Genesis 1:1. All of us can probably finish this statement without blinking an eye. The trick to studying the Bible properly is putting each passage in context to figure out what any given passage is really talking about. You have to look at the verses before and you have to look at the verses after. Eventually you have to see how the passage fits in the context of the whole Bible. So this verse presents a problem since we have no verses before it, or does it?
Well the answer of course is no it does not. As New Testament Christians, the only time we really go back to Genesis 1 is when we are attempting to prove such things as the fact that God created the world in six literal 24 hour days, which by the way HE DID! Going back to Genesis to do this is all well and good but we may reach a point when in our personal study, we tend to gloss over what I consider to be one of the four most important words in the whole Bible, "In the beginning, God..."
This is why having no verses before Genesis 1:1 does not present a problem. Because there was nothing before God! This is difficult for the human mind to comprehend because our mind wants us to believe that everything has a cause. This is why faith is so important. God is the ultimate cause. Therefore, nothing is above Him. Over 4000 years after Genesis was written, Paul would tell Timothy in 2 Timothy 3:16-17 that ALL Scripture is useful for teaching. The key there is ALL Scripture. This means that these four little words in Genesis 1:1, "In the beginning God..." are there for a purpose. Everything starts with God. Humanity would have no hope if it weren't for those four words that started it all.
So may we never forget that God is the beginning of everything. Also, if you have not yet obeyed the gospel, know He is the genesis or the beginning of the salvation of our souls. So may we never forget, "In the beginning, God..." THANKS FOR READING! LOVE Y'ALL! GOD BLESS!
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