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Thursday, April 7, 2011

This is NOT just a joke.

"And there must be no filthiness and silly talk, or coarse jesting, which are not fitting, but rather giving of thanks."--Ephesians 5:4. Paul, writing to the church in Ephesus as part of a greater message as to how God's people should be living their lives.

As a disclaimer, these thoughts are not directed at any individual or group or individuals.  This area is an area I struggle in as well.  It is only recently that I have begun to look at this area that seems to have become a part of our Christian walk and a part of our relationship with each other to a point where we are not looking at it and asking if God really approves of how we sometimes treat each other when we are "just joking".  This is NOT just a joke.

We have all heard it one or more times in our lives, phrases such as "I was only kidding," or "I was only joking" and of course the ever famous, "It was just a joke." And this one is my favorite, "Joking is just my way of showing you I love you." or some variation thereof. Again, I admit I too have used all of the phrases I just gave at some point in my life.

But the question is, in light of the Scripture in Ephesians, does God approve of some of the "joking" we do??? I was speaking with a fellow brother in Christ, Paul Myers, a former classmate of mine now graduated from here at the Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver on this very subject. During our discussion, he informed me of the origins of the words sarcasm and humor which by the way have also worked their way into this area of our relationship with each other.  The word sarcasm, according to Paul literally means tearing of the flesh. And humor also has as it's root word humerus as in the bone that is our elbow or "funny bone" (No pun intended). Therefore, sarcastic humor could quite literally mean tearing someone else's flesh and body.

Returning to Ephesians and putting the passage into context, Ephesians 5:1 begins with "Therefore, be imitators of God."  Therefore connects Ephesians 5 with Ephesians 4.  Ephesians 4:25-32 gives us a fairly good idea of how we should be treating each other and when I read this passage I don't see how the way we joke with each other sometimes fits into this. Verse 25 tells us we ought to SPEAK truth with our neighbor.  Ephesians 4:29 says "Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear." Does some of our joking bring grace to those who hear it? Further, we must ask how does some of our joking affect our example towards new Christians or those outside the body of Christ? Verse 31 says that among other things, slander must be put away. And finally in Ephesians 4:32 we are told to be KIND TO ONE ANOTHER and TENDER HEARTED which brings us up to Ephesians 5 which speaks about how we are to imitate God.

Again, this is an area I struggle with as well and have probably failed in this area numerous times.  As I look at these verses in Ephesians, I fail to see how the way we joke with each other sometimes accomplishes what we are told to do here in Ephesians 4-5.  After all, this letter (book) was written to the church.  That means it was written to you and to me. THIS IS NOT JUST A JOKE.


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