"but in everything commending ourselves as servants of God, in much endurance, in afflictions, in hardships, in distresses," 2 Corinthians 6:4. Here we have Paul again describing the fact that no matter what happens, he and those he works with are servants of God. Paul is pretty thorough in his point. You can read all he says in this passage regarding his service to God in 2 Corinthians 6:1-10. He remembers his service to God above all else because he does not want to do anything to harm his ministry. Paul sees God's grace as too valuable to compromise his ministry. He urges the Corinthians in verse 1 to not accept God's grace in vain. God's grace is too valuable. We must remember we are servants of God above all else.
Above all else. I find the list Paul gives in 2 Corinthians 6:4-10 interesting because it is a mixture of positive and negative circumstances. I don't think this is any coincidence. Paul says in verse 3 that he will give no cause in anything for his ministry to be discredited. He goes on to give the list. Paul will use any and every circumstance, good or bad as an opportunity for ministry. One could spend an exorbitant amount of time discussing each item in this list but the whole point of it all is that he is a servant of God above all else.
Above all else. This is what we have to remember. Life is going to happen. We are going to have our mountaintop experiences and we are going to have days when we are in the valleys. No matter where we find ourselves we are servants of God above all else. Let's take the circumstances we find ourselves in, good or bad, and use them as opportunities for ministry. Give no cause for your ministry to be discredited. WE ARE SERVANTS OF GOD ABOVE ALL ELSE! PRAY ABOUT IT! DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! LOVE Y'ALL! GOD BLESS!
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