"And they will sing of the ways of the Lord, for great is the glory of the Lord."--Psalm 138:5. This is a Psalm of David. It is a Psalm of thankfulness to God for showing His favor upon David. David thanks the Lord for things such as His loving kindness which David also states is everlasting, boldness, and strength. In this Psalm David is also is assured of the Lord's protection against His enemies. In verses 4 and 6, David states the kings of the earth will give thanks and then in verse 6 he states how the Lord "regards the lowly." I encourage you to read all of Psalm 138 as it is only 8 verses long.
But my question for all of us this morning is quite simple. What are we thankful for? Even if we sat down to write a list of what we are thankful for, it probably wouldn't encompass all God has given to us during our lives. I would imagine some of the things that would be included on such a list would be your family, people in our lives, having a job during these hard economic times, and maybe your health. And of course, on such a list the most important person to be thankful for is Christ in this time that we are THINKING SOULS. Everything that has been provided for us comes from above. See James 4:17. What should this cause us to do? Give praises to God! Or as the Psalmist put it, sing of the ways of the Lord! So again I ask, what are we thankful for? Again, I encourage you to read Psalm 8. In addition, let's try to find a song of thankfulness to our Lord for all He has done for us especially for sending His Son to die on the cross for our sins. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! PRAY ABOUT IT! LOVE Y'ALL GOD BLESS! THINK SOULS!
It is a shame that we don't forget a wrong that someone may have done to us for YEARS, yet we forget our blessings in SECONDS. We pray to be delivered from small inconveniences, and that shrug it off when it is done. Thanks David for your hard work on the devos!