Touching Christ
"When the woman saw that she had not escaped notice, she came trembling and fell down before Him, and declared in the presence of all the people the reason why she had touched Him, and how she had been immediately healed. And He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace.”--Luke 8:47-48. I find this to be among the most touching stories in the gospel accounts. This woman believed in the power of Christ so much that she knew just by touching Him, she would be healed. I find this story so touching because we see by her reaction she did not understand Christ's love. All she knew was that He could heal her from a disease that she had been dealing with for 12 years! This was an opportunity she could not pass up. All Jesus felt was His power go from Him. He felt her touch out of all the others pressing in around Him. It is my opinion that in reality we are not much different from this woman in some aspects.
Aren't we just like this woman? We may not have a disease that is taking a toll on our physical bodies but we all have something going on in our lives that is causing pain and/or discomfort and all we are looking for is healing. Maybe it's the death of a loved one or maybe something happened between you and someone you deeply care about that has caused one or both of you pain. The woman had been suffering for twelve years and she was healed. I am not suggesting that our pain will instantly disappear but by touching Christ I guarantee the pain will get easier. I'll be the first to admit that like the woman, I don't always understand Christ's love but I know if there is any healing from pain, it is found only in Him. We live in a world where people turn to drugs and alcohol, among other things which provide only momentary relief of pain. Our job as Christians is to bring others into a position where they can touch Christ. Again whatever pain we might have will not instantly disappear but I can promise you touching Christ makes it easier to deal with.
I don't know what is going on in your life right now but maybe your like this woman who would do anything to be relieved of your pain. Whether you have been dealing with your pain for days, months or years, know that Christ is within your reach. If the pain is between you and an other person, go to that person trusting in Christ. He will heal that pain if you believe in and touch Him. Out of all who are pressing in around Him, it is YOU Christ wants to heal. You may not fully understand His love but know He can heal you. Put your faith in Him. "And He said to her...go in peace."--Luke 8:48. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! PRAY ABOUT IT! LOVE Y'ALL! GOD BLESS! Feel free to comment.
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