"He questioned him, 'What do you want me to do for you?' And he said, 'Lord, I want to regain my sight!'"--Luke 18:40-41. Bartimaeus, the blind man who pleaded for Jesus to have mercy on him. The whole account can be read in Luke 18:35-43. What really intrigues me about this passage is the fact that Jesus asked what it was Bartimaeus wanted Jesus to do for him. One would think isn't it obvious that this man wanted his sight back? Jesus knew this is what Bartimaeus wanted yet Jesus still asked the question. The question is why? And what can we learn from this? Well we can learn that God wants specifics and it's our faith that makes the difference.
God wants specifics. Again, Jesus had to have known that this man wanted his sight back. Yet he still asks him what it is that he wanted done for him. What helps me gain understanding of this passage is Philippians 4:6 which tells us to make our requests known to God. It was said recently in one of my classes that "God wants to be bothered." What my instructor meant is that there is a false perception many people have that their request is too trivial for God to even care.
God wants specifics. We have to remember we serve a loving God who cares about the desires of our hearts no matter how trivial they might seem to us. He may not always grant our requests but we have to trust that God always knows best even when He doesn't grant our desires. But the point is we need to learn to get specific with God and that faith makes the difference. Instead of saying something general like "Lord please help me" or "Lord thank you" with nothing attached to it. GET SPECIFIC. What SPECIFICALLY do you want God to help you with? What SPECIFICALLY are you thankful for? Tonight, I encourage you to write down on paper EVERYTHING on your heart you might want to share with God, especially in the two areas I just mentioned and pray about those things SPECIFICALLY. I would also like to hear your feedback on this passage. We need to remember God wants specifics. PRAY ABOUT IT! DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! LOVE Y'ALL! GOD BLESS!
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