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Monday, February 14, 2011

See how great a love...

"See how great a love the Father has bestowed on us, that we would be called children of God...Beloved, now we are children of God."--1 John 3:1, 2.  This passage refers to us as children.  This of course is not the first time the illustration of a child is used to show our relationship with God.  Jesus said that unless we become like children, we cannot enter the kingdom of God.

On this Valentine's Day (Or what some call Singles Awareness Day), we have to remember the love that was shown to us by God.  God has such a great love for us that He wants us to be His children.  Do we deserve it? Did we do something to earn this great love? Of course not.  This is what makes God's love so great.  He offers us the opportunity to become His children through having given His Son to die on the cross for our even though we didn't deserve it.

So what does this mean to us, especially on a day like today?  Well, as we THINK SOULS, we need to find ways to display God's love to others.  God's love can be shown through Acts of Random Kindness or ARK.  I can attest to the fact that there are people out there who don't think they deserve God's love.  While there is nothing we can do to deserve God's love, the point is God offered it anyway.  The least we can do in return is to offer that love to others whether it's by sharing the good news of Jesus Christ, doing ARK (Acts of Random Kindness), or by offering our friendship.  The point is we need to show that we are children of God by sharing God's love to others.

For what it's worth, Happy Valentine's Day everyone.  May we remember that God is the source of true love.  A love so great that we are given the opportunity to be called children of God.

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