Todd Beamer--9/11 Hero on United Flight 93 "Let's Roll"
"Arise and go."--Micah 2:10. In this passage, the prophet Micah is told to go from the place of uncleanness and destruction, "a painful destruction." I am not terribly familiar with the prophet Micah but I gather from this chapter that the Lord is going to bring swift destruction and His followers need to move out before this destruction comes.
You may be wondering what Todd Beamer, one among many heroes after the attacks of 9/11, of which the 10th anniversary will be celebrated this year, has to do with this. The passage says arise and go. You may remember the famous words uttered by Todd Beamer on that tragic flight United 93 that went down in a field over Pennsylvania, "Let's Roll." He led a heroic effort in attempt to save the lives aboard Flight 93 from utter destruction. We know they went down anyway but not without a fight. He and the other passengers went down fighting the forces of evil that hijacked the plane.
What does this have to do with us as Christians? Well, as somber as this will sound, this world is being destroyed by forces of evil of a different sort. This is why we need to "Arise and go." We need to remove ourselves from the evils of this world. But in order to do so we as Christians need to fight the evils through bringing as many people as we can to Christ starting with those closest to us, our neighbors, our co-workers, and soon the world. But we need each other in this effort, to help one another. Todd Beamer didn't fight the terrorists aboard Flight 93 on his own. It took the other passengers to help him as well. Our fight against evil will only be won if every soldier of Christ joins in the effort with Christ as our captain. So, may we arise and go. Or in the words of Todd Beamer, :"LET'S ROLL!"--NEVER FORGET! DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT PRAY ABOUT IT! THINK SOULS!
Arise and go!