Who is Israel?
"I have wiped out your transgressions like a thick cloud and your sins like a heavy mist. Return to Me for I have redeemed you."--Isaiah 44:22. This passage is a reminder to Israel that God will not forget them. There will come a time when all Israel shall be saved. This passage in Isaiah will go on to say in verse 23 that His glory is shone forth in Israel. So the question remains who is Israel?
Who is Israel? There are a number of different answers to this question. Today, we have the nation of Israel also known as Palestine. We also have the nation of Israel that we read about in the Scriptures whose God was the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. And lastly the other Israel we read about in the Scriptures are the seed of Abraham, those who are in Christ. While the first two answers have a certain amount of truth, it is this last Israel whose sins and transgressions the Lord has wiped out like a thick cloud and a heavy mist. If you have ever been on an airplane and the plane is flying through clouds you cannot see anything but the cloud outside. If you have ever driven through a thick fog (mist), you cannot see anything ahead of you. If one is in Christ, its such an awesome thought to know that God chooses not to see our sin because He has forgiven it and wiped it out "like a thick cloud" and "a heavy mist." Because He has offered forgiveness, He is calling, nay pleading for us to return to Him. Our God pleads like a loving parent whose child has gone missing or astray awaiting his/her return. Why? Because outside the arms of a loving parent, only destruction awaits. God wants none to perish but for all to come to repentance and return to Him. If you want to learn more as to how to return to God and receive redemption of sins click here. If you are in Christ, be reminded that God has forgiven you of your sins but also take some time for self-evaluation to make sure you have not strayed from Him in any way. We are Israel, and God has redeemed us. Our Promised Land awaits. Will you join the journey towards our heavenly home? DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! PRAY ABOUT IT! LOVE Y'ALL GOD BLESS!
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