"If Jesus could wash feet than I can..."
"Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many."--Matthew 20:28. Jesus, making a statement as to how we ought to be different. In context, Jesus draws the contrast between Gentiles (those of the world) and what His followers should be. The Gentiles' "great men" exercise authority over those they rule in order to be great. In contrast, we as followers of Christ must serve in order to be great. Why? Because this is what Jesus came for. He came to serve, not to be served.
To serve, not to be served. At the core, this is what Christianity is all about. It's about service. Service to God and service to others. In John 13:5-20, next to giving His life on the cross, Jesus set the greatest example of service. He washed the disciples' feet. Jesus says His followers ought to do the same. An old mentor of mine, Exavious Farley, saw acts of service in this way: "If Jesus could wash feet than I can..." That statement has stuck with me ever since. The point is not washing feet, the point is service. While I have only done it once, I did have the privilege once to wash the feet of some brethren after we had gone on a long hike 2 years ago up at Lake Tahoe. It was pretty awesome.
We need to be willing to serve in EVERY way. Take some time this week to do something for someone without being asked. You may not physically give your life for someone as our Lord did but giving up your life also means putting God first, others second and yourself last. Jesus didn't have to wash the disciples' feet but He did it anyway. The Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve. So I leave you with this. "If Jesus could wash feet then I can ______" Fill in the blank :-). DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! PRAY ABOUT IT! LOVE Y'ALL! GOD BLESS!
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