"But encourage one another day after day, as long as it is still called "Today," so that none of you will be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin."--Hebrews 3:13. The Hebrew writer encouraging these Christians to encourage each other in what has been taught about Christ. To deviate from it would be sin. To not believe what has been taught about Christ would be sin. To return to the old law as they were contemplating doing would also be sin. This is all why they are instructed to engage in daily encouragement.
Daily encouragement. We all have a routine. There are some things that must be done on a daily basis. Some basic examples would be bathing, brushing our teeth, getting dressed with clean clothes, etc. etc. In the same way we all have our own daily routines depending on what our schedule looks like from day to day. The point is there are some things we do on a daily basis without fail.
Daily encouragement. We sometimes wonder why many people are "spiritually starved" by the time they get to services on Sunday morning and leave with a "spiritual high." But it's not long before they quickly begin a downward spiral and by the time the next Sunday rolls around, they have forgotten what was preached the last Sunday. My question is why?
Daily encouragement. Many people, sometimes myself included blame it on the individual. We say things like the person did not study enough on their own time or they got too caught up in other things. While this might be true, I am here today to offer a different argument.
Daily encouragement. What if the reason these people go downhill spiritually between Sundays is because WE do not take the time to encourage them in their walk with God during the week. This is among the reasons fellowship outside of the assembly is crucial so that we can encourage each other in what has been taught about and furthermore so that, as the passage in Hebrews 3:13 says, so that we are not hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.
Daily encouragement. Much of the reason I post these devotional thoughts is to encourage the brethren during the week between Sundays and to carry out what we are commanded to do in Hebrews 3:13. I pray if you have been reading these that you too have found them encouraging. Or even if this is the first one you have read, I pray you have found it encouraging.
Daily encouragement. So how does this all connect back to our routine that I mentioned above? Well, this passage tells us to engage in DAILY encouragement. There are several other things other than the ones I mentioned above that you and me might do on a daily basis. There is no reason not to incorporate encouraging the brethren into our DAILY routine.
Daily encouragement. I know for a fact that there a lot of our own brethren struggling with various issues in their lives outside of the assembly. In some cases it's sin but it's also the dirty hand life can deal us. What I would like to encourage you to do is this. Over the next seven days take some time out of your "routine" and encourage a brother or sister in Christ DAILY. Do this by maybe making a phone call or going to visit those people or helping a brother or sister in Christ in some way like with yard work or something around the house and especially when you do so, encourage them in some way in their walk with Christ.
Daily encouragement. I know by experience that encouragement goes a long way. The ultimate reason we need to encourage each other daily in our walk with Christ is "so that we will not be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin" which so easily entangles.
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